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mgaynor1 authored and mgaynor1 committed May 10, 2024
1 parent e0619e0 commit 77b6b8e
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Showing 214 changed files with 2,721 additions and 294 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: AutoPop
Title: Autopolyploid population simulations
c(person(given = "Michelle", family ="Gaynor", middle = "L", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre"),
comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-3912-6079")),
Expand All @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Description: R-based joint-dynamic population simulation for
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
testthat (>= 3.0.0)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions R/alphabeta.calc.R
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@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#' Mature survival - Calculates alpha and beta from mean and variance.
#' @description Calculates the alpha and beta parameters based on mu, the mean probability of mature survival, and the calculated variance.
#' @description Calculates the alpha and beta parameters based on mu, here the mean probability of mature survival,
#' and s calculated variance.
#' @param mu Mean probability of mature survival. Must be a single integer between 0 and 1.
#' @param mu Sample mean. Must be a single integer between 0 and 1.
#' @param var Derived variance based on var.option. Must be a single integer between 0 and 1.
#' @returns List with the parameters alpha and beta.
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32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions R/env.copula.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#' Environmental Copula - Calculates correlation probability.
#' @description Calculates the probability coefficient which allow cytotype and stage correlations
#' @param rho Correlation coefficient. Must be a single integer between 0 and 1.
#' @inheritParams gen.iter.f.choosy
#' @returns A list of two matrix: X and U. Here, X is the matrix which was simulated from
#' a multivariate normal distribution. The U matrix is simply the X matrix transformed into a uniform distribution.
#' Each matrix has 3 columns, one for each cytotype. The length of the matrix matches the number of generations provided.
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm

env.copula <- function(rho, generations){
# Create covariance matrix
n <- 3 # Three cytotypes
mean <- rep(0,n)
# covariance matrix for the cytotypes
SIGMA <- ((1-rho)*diag(n) + rho*matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = n))
# Simulate from a multivariate normal distribution
X <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = generations, mu = mean, Sigma = SIGMA)
# Transform to uniform using pnorm, which is the cdf for a normal distribution
U <- pnorm(X)
out <- list(X, U)

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/form.autopop.R
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#' * C2: relative abundance of all diploids (ie. sum2x/sum).
#' * C3: relative abundance of all triploids (ie. sum3x/sum).
#' * C4: relative abundance of all tetraploids (ie. sum4x/sum)

form.autopop <- function(popvect, generations){
plot.pop <-, popvect))
plot.pop <-, popvect))[,1:12]
plot.pop$gen <- 1:(generations + 1)
plot.pop[] = 0

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60 changes: 44 additions & 16 deletions R/gen.iter.f.choosy.R
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#' @inheritParams one.iter.f.choosy
#' @inheritParams cytotype_repro_mate
#' @inheritParams form.autopop
#' @inheritParams env.copula
#' @returns A single data frame as defined by `form.autopop()`. Each row is a generation. The columns are as follows,
#' * V1: number of immature diploids.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,42 +48,69 @@
#' * C2: relative abundance of all diploids (sum2x/sum).
#' * C3: relative abundance of all triploids (sum3x/sum).
#' * C4: relative abundance of all tetraploids (sum4x/sum)

#' * i1e: diploid immature survival probability during t - 1.
#' * i2e: triploid immature survival probability during t - 1.
#' * i3e: tetraploid immature survival probability during t - 1.
#' * m1e: diploid mature survival probability during t - 1.
#' * m2e: triploid mature survival probability during t - 1.
#' * m3e: tetraploid mature survival probability during t - 1.


gen.iter.f.choosy <- function(generations, init.pop,, aii.vec,
gen.iter.f.choosy <- function(generations, init.pop,, env.sigma, aii.vec,
as.matur, as.msurv, d, gnum.base,
b, cc, s, mc, density.type = "all",
mate.lazy = FALSE){
b, cc, s, mc,
gam.density.type = "all", is.density.type = "all", rho, mate.lazy = FALSE,
rj = c(1,1), yj = c(1,1), env.immature.survival = FALSE){

## Set up first generation
popvect <- list()
first.vec <- c(0, 0, 0, init.pop, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
first.vec <- c(0, 0, 0, init.pop, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
popvect[[1]] <- first.vec
as.msurv.e <- list()
as.msurv.e[[1]] <- as.msurv

as.msurv.e <- list()
as.msurv.e[[1]] <- c(0,0,0)
Xi.Ui.vec <- env.copula(rho = rho, generations = generations)
Xi.vec <- Xi.Ui.vec[[1]]
Ui.vec <- Xi.Ui.vec[[2]]
if(sum(as.msurv) != 0){
msurv.alpha.beta <- surv.shape( =, raw.means = as.msurv)
## Loop for set number of generations #########################################
for(i in 1:generations){
# Environmental. Stochasticity
m1e <- mature.surv.calc( =, as.msurv = as.msurv.e[[1]][1])
m2e <- mature.surv.calc( =, as.msurv = as.msurv.e[[1]][2])
m3e <- mature.surv.calc( =, as.msurv = as.msurv.e[[1]][3])
if(sum(as.msurv) != 0){
# Mature Survival - Environmental. Stochasticity
m1e <- qbeta(Ui.vec[i,1], msurv.alpha.beta[1,1], msurv.alpha.beta[2,1])
m2e <- qbeta(Ui.vec[i,2], msurv.alpha.beta[1,2], msurv.alpha.beta[2,2])
m3e <- qbeta(Ui.vec[i,3], msurv.alpha.beta[1,3], msurv.alpha.beta[2,3])
as.msurv.e[[i + 1]] <- c(m1e, m2e, m3e)
} else{
as.msurv.e[[i + 1]] <- c(0, 0, 0)
ct.vec <- popvect[[i]]
popvect[[i + 1]] <- one.iter.f.choosy(ct.vec, aii.vec = aii.vec , as.matur = as.matur,
popvect[[i + 1]] <- one.iter.f.choosy(ct.vec, aii.vec = aii.vec, as.matur = as.matur,
as.msurv.e.set = as.msurv.e[[i + 1]], d = d, gnum.base = gnum.base,
b = b, cc = cc, s = s, mc = mc, density.type, mate.lazy = mate.lazy)
b = b, cc = cc, s = s, mc = mc, mate.lazy = mate.lazy,
env.sigma = env.sigma, = Xi.vec[i,], gam.density.type = gam.density.type,
is.density.type = is.density.type,
rj = rj,
yj = yj, env.immature.survival = env.immature.survival)

onedf <- form.autopop(popvect, generations)
survival_rates <-, popvect))[1:(generations+1),13:15]
for(i in 1:generations){
onedf$i1e[i] <- survival_rates$V13[i]
onedf$i2e[i] <- survival_rates$V14[i]
onedf$i3e[i] <- survival_rates$V15[i]
onedf$m1e[i] <- as.msurv.e[[i]][1]
onedf$m2e[i] <- as.msurv.e[[i]][2]
onedf$m3e[i] <- as.msurv.e[[i]][3]

30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions R/mu.options.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#' Max mean allowed
#' Given an value, we identified allowed means between 0 and 1.
#' @param Proportion of environmental variance used to define mature survival rate per generation
#' with a beta distribution. This number must be in between 0 and 1, but cannot be equal to 0 or 1.
#' @return All values allowed and not allowed.

mu.options <- function({ <- seq(0.001,1, by = 0.0001)
notallowed <- c()
allowed <- c()
for(i in 1:length({

mu <-[i]
var <- (*(mu*(1-mu)))
less <- (mu*(mu-1))

if((var > less) == FALSE){
notallowed <- c(notallowed, mu)
allowed <- c(allowed, mu)
out <- list(not_allowed = notallowed, allowed = allowed)

97 changes: 70 additions & 27 deletions R/one.iter.f.choosy.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,50 +9,65 @@
#' @param ct.vec Population composition at time t.
#' Indicates the sum of each type at time t, `ct.vec = c(2x_immature, 3x_immature, 4x_immature, 2x_mature, 3x_mature, 4x_mature)`
#' @param aii.vec The survival probability of an immature individual for each cytotype. Must be a list of three integers between 0 and 1. For example, `aii.vec = c(0.5, 0.3, 0.5)`.
#' @param as.matur The probability of maturation from an immature stage to the mature stage for each cytotype. Must be a list of three integers between 0 and 1. For example, `as.matur = c(0.5, 0.3, 0.5)`.
#' @param as.msurv.e.set The survival probability of a mature individual for each cytotype. Must be a list of three integers between 0 and 1. For example, `as.msurv.e.set = c(0.5, 0.3, 0.5)`.
#' @param aii.vec The survival probability of an immature individual for each cytotype. Must be a list of three integers between 0 and 1. For example, `aii.vec = c(0.0005, 0.005, 0.0005)`.
#' @param as.matur The probability of maturation from an immature stage to the mature stage for each cytotype. Must be a list of three integers between 0 and 1. For example, `as.matur = c(0.60, 0.06, 0.60)`.
#' @param as.msurv.e.set The survival probability of a mature individual for each cytotype. Must be a list of three integers between 0 and 1. These are defined based on user supplied
#' mean probability of mature survival (`as.msurv`), proportion of environmental variance (``),
#' This list is defined within the `gen.iter.f.choosy()` function.
#' @param d Strength of density dependency on gamete production for each cytotype. Must be a list of three integers between 0 and 1. For example, `d = c(0.001, 0.009, 0.001)`.
#' @param gnum.base Mean number of gametes per individual per cytotype. Must be a list of three numeric values. For example, `gnum.base = c(100, 100, 100)`.
#' @param mate.lazy Default = FALSE, this prevents selfing from occurring during outcrossing. However, this increases the computational time by 31x!
#' @inheritParams cytotype_repro_mate
#' @param density.type Default = "all", this sets the density at time t as all individuals at time t.
#' @param gam.density.type Default = "all", this sets the density dependence type for number of gametes produced at time t as all individuals at time t.
#' Alternatively, "like-cytotype" sets the density at time t for each cytotype based on only the total immature and mature individuals
#' of that cytotype at time t.
#' @param rj List of two indicates the stage dependent density dependent impact of immature and mature individuals on number of gametes produced. Default is c(1,1).
#' @param is.density.type Default = "all", this sets the density dependence type for immature surivival at time t as all individuals at time t.
#' Alternatively, "like-cytotype" sets the density at time t for each cytotype based on only the total immature and mature individuals
#' of that cytotype at time t.
#' @returns List of 9, with 1:6 representing the number of individuals of each cytotype
#' and at both stages at time t + 1. Items 7:9 are the number of gametes sampled for
#' 2x, 3x, and 4x individuals at time t.
#' @param yj List of two indicates the stage dependent density dependent impact of immature and mature individuals on the probability of immature survival. Default is c(1,1).
#' @param env.sigma Sigma value to define environmental variance corresponding to immature survival rate per generation.
#' @param Sample from a multivariate normal distribution. Allows immature and mature survival probabilities be correlated,
#' as well as allowing for a correlation among cytotypes based on a supplied `rho` value.
#' @param env.immature.survival Default = FALSE. When FALSE, the mean immature survival rate is equal to the exponential of the inverse
#' immature survival rate (`aii`) times the sum of immature individuals and mature individuals of the cytotype indicated by `is.density.type`,
#' which may be modified by `yj`. When this variable equals TRUE, the previous mean, or the immature determinate survival rate, is transformed
#' by log(mu/(1-mu)) and the Johnson SB distribution is sampled given the `env.sigma` and `` (defined in `gen.iter.f.choosy()`).
#' @inheritParams cytotype_repro_mate
#' @returns List of 15, with 1:6 representing the number of individuals of each cytotype
#' and at both stages at time t + 1. Items 7:9 are the number of offspring generated for
#' 2x, 3x, and 4x individuals at time t. Items 10:12 are the number of gametes generated from
#' 2x, 3x, and 4x individuals at time t. Items 12:15 are the immature survival probabilities
#' at time t.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit rbinom

# One iteration function
one.iter.f.choosy <- function(ct.vec, aii.vec,
as.matur, as.msurv.e.set,
d, gnum.base,
s, b,
cc, mc,
density.type = "all", mate.lazy = FALSE){
one.iter.f.choosy <- function(ct.vec, aii.vec, as.matur, as.msurv.e.set,
d, gnum.base, s, b,
cc, mc, gam.density.type, is.density.type,
mate.lazy = FALSE, rj = c(1,1), yj = c(1,1), env.sigma,, env.immature.survival){

# Empty vector for next generation
ctp1.vec <- rep(0, 6)

# Calculate current generations gnum.vec
## gnum.vec = gnum.base times the exponential of the product of strength of density dependency
## times the sum of all individuals at time t
if(density.type == "all"){
gnum.vec <- c((gnum.base[1]*exp(-d[1]*(sum(ct.vec[1:6])))),
if(gam.density.type == "all"){
gam.density <- ((rj[1]*sum(ct.vec[1:3]))+(rj[2]*sum(ct.vec[4:6])))
gnum.vec <- c((gnum.base[1]*exp(-d[1]*gam.density)),
gnum.vec[] <- 0
} else if(density.type == "like-cytotype"){
gnum.vec <- c((gnum.base[1]*exp(-d[1]*(sum(c(ct.vec[1], ct.vec[4]))))),
(gnum.base[2]*exp(-d[2]*(sum(c(ct.vec[2], ct.vec[5] ))))),
(gnum.base[3]*exp(-d[3]*(sum(c(ct.vec[3], ct.vec[6]))))))
} else if(gam.density.type == "like-cytotype"){
gnum.vec <- c((gnum.base[1]*exp(-d[1]*((rj[1]*ct.vec[1]) + (rj[2]*ct.vec[4])))),
(gnum.base[2]*exp(-d[2]*((rj[1]*ct.vec[2]) + (rj[2]*ct.vec[5])))),
(gnum.base[3]*exp(-d[3]*((rj[1]*ct.vec[3]) + (rj[2]*ct.vec[6])))))
gnum.vec[] <- 0
} else print("Density type unavailable. This option only allows density.type to be set as all or like-cytotype.")

Expand All @@ -68,10 +83,37 @@ one.iter.f.choosy <- function(ct.vec, aii.vec,
trip.gamps <- off[2]; if({trip.gamps <- 0}
tetr.gamps <- off[3]; if({tetr.gamps <- 0}

# Setup Immature Survival Probability
if(is.density.type == "all"){
is.density <- ((yj[1]*sum(ct.vec[1:3]))+(yj[2]*sum(ct.vec[4:6])))
immature.det.surv <- c((exp(-aii.vec[1]*is.density)),
} else if(is.density.type == "like-cytotype"){
immature.det.surv <- c((exp(-aii.vec[1]*((yj[1]*ct.vec[1]) + (yj[2]*ct.vec[4])))),
(exp(-aii.vec[2]*((yj[1]*ct.vec[2]) + (yj[2]*ct.vec[5])))),
(exp(-aii.vec[3]*((yj[1]*ct.vec[3]) + (yj[2]*ct.vec[6])))))
} else print("Density type unavailable. This option only allows density.type to be set as all or like-cytotype.")

immature.det.surv[] <- 0
if(env.immature.survival == TRUE){<- c()
as.isurv <- c()
for(z in 1:3){[z] <- log(immature.det.surv[z]/(1-immature.det.surv[z]))
as.isurv[z] <- (exp([z] + (env.sigma*[z]))/(1 + exp([z] + (env.sigma*[z]))))
as.isurv[] <- 0
} else{
as.isurv <- immature.det.surv

# Diploids - two steps: 1. Maturation+Survival and 2. Gamete production (defined above)
## Step 1:
### Apply survival and maturation
Ndip.imm <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[1], prob = exp(-aii.vec[1]*sum(ct.vec[1], ct.vec[4]))) #density
Ndip.imm <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[1], prob = as.isurv[1]) #density
Ndip.mat <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[1], prob = as.matur[1])
Ndip.surv <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[4], prob = as.msurv.e.set[1])

Expand All @@ -84,7 +126,7 @@ one.iter.f.choosy <- function(ct.vec, aii.vec,
# Triploids
## Step 1:
### Apply survival and maturation
Ntrip.imm <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[2], prob = exp(-aii.vec[2]*sum(ct.vec[2], ct.vec[5])))
Ntrip.imm <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[2], prob = as.isurv[2])
Ntrip.mat <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[2], prob = as.matur[2])
Ntrip.surv <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[5], prob = as.msurv.e.set[2])

Expand All @@ -97,7 +139,7 @@ one.iter.f.choosy <- function(ct.vec, aii.vec,
# Tetraploids
## Step 1:
### Apply survival and maturation
Ntetr.imm <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[3], prob = exp(-aii.vec[3]*sum(ct.vec[3], ct.vec[6])))
Ntetr.imm <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[3], prob = as.isurv[3])
Ntetr.mat <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[3], prob = as.matur[3])
Ntetr.surv <- rbinom(n = 1, size = ct.vec[6], prob = as.msurv.e.set[3])

Expand All @@ -106,8 +148,9 @@ one.iter.f.choosy <- function(ct.vec, aii.vec,
ctp1.vec[6] <- Ntetr.mat + Ntetr.surv
ctp1.vec[3] <- tetr.gamps + Ntetr.imm

ctp1.vec[] <- 0
# Combined and Return
ctp1.vec <- c(ctp1.vec, off[1:6])
ctp1.vec <- c(ctp1.vec, off[1:6], as.isurv)

24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions R/surv.shape.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#' Survival shape - Calculates the alpha and beta value for survival beta distributions
#' @description Calculates the shape parameters needed to sample a beta distribution
#' for both immature survival and mature survival
#' @param raw.means Mean probability of mature survival or immature survival. Must be a list of three integer between 0 and 1.
#' @param Proportion of environmental variance used to define mature survival rate per generation.
#' Must be a single integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.
#' @returns Matrix of alpha and beta parameters where matrix[1,i] is the alpha value for the ith mean, and matrix[2,i]
#' is the beta value for the ith mean.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit rbeta

surv.shape <- function(, raw.means){
var <- var.option( =, mu = raw.means)
alpha.beta <- sapply(1:length(raw.means), function(item) alphabeta.calc(raw.means[item], var[item]))

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions R/var.option.R
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Expand Up @@ -14,5 +14,6 @@

var.option <- function(, mu){
var <- (*mu*(1-mu))
#var <- max(var, .Machine$double.xmin)

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