spAng for SpringBoot & Angular.
An api to develop a full stack api with spring boot as REST api and angular/bootstrap front api.
git clone
cd spang
mvn clean install
cd spAng\spAng-web\src\main\spAng-web
npm start
-Node, npm & Angular CLI
-maven (parent module (spang), api REST module (spang-api) and angular web module(spang-web)) - frontend-maven-plugin to build the Angular 2 application with Maven
-Angular 4 (Module , component , binding types, @input, @output, filter, events, animations, ...)
-RxJs (Observable, ...)
-Configuration of proxy.conf.json to prevent "web browser violation of the Same Origin Policy"
-Spring boot (CRUD, ORM repository, ...)
-Flyway (data base migration source)
Tomcat of springBoot
H2 data base
mvn clean install (on parent)
To add bootstrap to project add this entry on index.html file and add dist folder on src folder :
<script src=""></script> <script src="../dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> -
npm start (to start web server on angular project)