Ever wondered which mappings are free to be mapped? Now it's a easier to figure it out.
- 🎹 Visual QWERTY keyboard layout showing your mapped and unmapped keys
- 🔍 Analyze mappings for any prefix in any mode (normal, insert, visual, etc.)
- 💡 Interactive hover tooltips showing the mapping details
Package manager | Snippet |
{ "meznaric/key-analyzer.nvim", opts = {} },
}) |
Command | Description |
:KeyAnalyzer <prefix> [mode] |
Shows keyboard analysis for the given prefix and mode. Mode defaults to normal ('n') if not specified. |
:KeyAnalyzer <leader> |
Show <leader> mappings |
:KeyAnalyzer <leader>b |
Show mappings starting with <leader>b* |
:KeyAnalyzer <C- |
Show CTRL mappings |
:KeyAnalyzer <C- v |
Show CTRL mappings in visual mode |
:KeyAnalyzer <M- |
Show Alt/Meta/Option mappings |
:KeyAnalyzer <M- |
Show Alt/Meta/Option mappings |
:KeyAnalyzer <C-M>x i |
Show mappings starting with CTRL + M x in insert mode |
calls this lua code:
require('key-analyzer').show(mode, prefix)
if you wish to map it yourself
Tip: Click or move to any key to see its mapping details
Note: The options are also available in Neovim by calling :h key-analyzer.options
-- Name of the command to use for the plugin
command_name = "KeyAnalyzer", -- or nil to disable the command
-- Customize the highlight groups
highlights = {
bracket_used = "KeyAnalyzerBracketUsed",
letter_used = "KeyAnalyzerLetterUsed",
bracket_unused = "KeyAnalyzerBracketUnused",
letter_unused = "KeyAnalyzerLetterUnused",
promo_highlight = "KeyAnalyzerPromo",
-- Set to false if you want to define highlights manually
define_default_highlights = true,
-- Keyboard layout to use
-- Available options are: qwerty, colemak, colemak-dh
layout = "qwerty",
- Not all maps will be shown. For example
, because these built in window maps are not returned byvim.api.nvim_get_keymap(mode)
. Another example that will not show up are also fold maps (z
). - Currently only US-ANSII layout is supported, but feel free to open a pull request
- There is no differentiation between upper case and lower case letters, both will show on the visualisation
- Remember: Some keys may not actually be bindable, for example <C-[>
- KeyAnalyzer retreives mappings with
, so local buffer mappings are not shown
PRs and issues are always welcome. Make sure to provide as much context as possible when opening one.
Few ideas:
- Different keyboard layouts via options
- Add third parameter to a command
, where buffer callsnvim_buf_get_keymap
- Bring in presets from which-key.nvim so that built-in mappings work, eg.
, ...
Thanks to shortcuts for the plugin boilerplate <3