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<script> let connectButton = document.getElementById("connectButton"); let connected = false; let testnet = true; let testnetFunded = true; function bindCodeEditorShortcutKeys(textarea, highlighted) { function updateCode(){ highlighted.textContent = textarea.value; setTimeout(function(){ textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length }, 0); highlighted.scrollTop = textarea.scrollTop; hljs.highlightElement(highlighted); } console.log("binding shortcuts") console.log("to") console.log(textarea) // applying shortcut keys textarea.addEventListener('scroll', function(e){ highlighted.scrollTop = textarea.scrollTop; }) highlighted.addEventListener('scroll', function(e){ highlighted.scrollTop = textarea.scrollTop; }) textarea.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { console.log("keypress"); // [Enter] key pressed detected if (e.key === 'Enter') { // Prevent the default behavior (new line) e.preventDefault(); // Get the cursor position var cursorPos = textarea.selectionStart; 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// total white space removed overall spacesRemoved += match.length; return ''; }); } } // no shift key, so we're indenting else { // iterate over all lines for (let i = startPos; i <= endPos; i++) { // add a tab to the start of the line lines[i] = ' ' + lines[i]; // four spaces } } // remember the cursor position let start = textarea.selectionStart; let end = textarea.selectionEnd; // put the modified lines back into the textarea textarea.value = lines.join('\n'); // adjust the position of cursor start selection textarea.selectionStart = e.shiftKey ? start - spacesRemovedFirstLine : start + 4; // adjust the position of cursor end selection textarea.selectionEnd = e.shiftKey ? end - spacesRemoved : end + 4 * (endPos - startPos + 1); // copy the code from textarea to code block updateCode(); return; } // [Shift] + [Del]/[Backspace] = Delete entire line(s) if (e.shiftKey && (e.key === "Delete" || e.key === "Backspace")) { e.preventDefault(); // find the start/end lines let startPos = textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionStart).split('\n').length - 1; let endPos = textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionEnd).split('\n').length - 1; // get the line and the position in that line where the cursor is // pop() = take out the last line (which is the cursor selection start located) let cursorLine = textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionStart).split('\n').pop(); // get the position of cursor within the last line let cursorPosInLine = cursorLine.length; // calculating total lines to be removed let totalLinesRemove = endPos - startPos + 1; // split the textarea content into lines let lines = textarea.value.split('\n'); // calculate new cursor position let newStart = lines.slice(0, startPos).join('\n').length + (startPos > 0 ? 1 : 0); // add 1 if startPos > 0 to account for '\n' character // remove the selected lines lines.splice(startPos, totalLinesRemove); // get the new line where the cursor will be after deleting lines // if lines[startPos] is not existed, then the new line will be an empty string let newLine = lines[startPos] || ''; // if the new line is shorter than the cursor position, put the cursor at the end of the line if (newLine.length < cursorPosInLine) { cursorPosInLine = newLine.length; } // adjuct the cursor's position in the line to the new cursor position newStart += cursorPosInLine; // put the modified lines back into the textarea textarea.value = lines.join('\n'); // set the new cursor position // both cursor selection start and end will be at the same position textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = newStart; // copy the code from textarea to code block updateCode(); return; } // Move cursor to the first non-white space character if (e.key === "Home") { // get the line and the position in that line where the cursor is // pop() = take out the last line (which is the cursor selection start located) let line = textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionStart).split('\n').pop(); // get the position of cursor within the last line let cursorPosInLine = line.length; // Find the start of the current line let lineStartPos = textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionStart).lastIndexOf('\n') + 1; // Find the first non-whitespace character on the line let firstNonWhitespacePos =\S/); // the cursor's position is already in front of first non-whitespace character, // or it's position is before first none-whitespace character, // move the cursor to the start of line if (firstNonWhitespacePos >= cursorPosInLine) { // do nothing, perform default behaviour, which is moving the cursor to beginning of the line return true; } // If there's no non-whitespace character, this is an empty or whitespace-only line else if (firstNonWhitespacePos === -1) { // do nothing, perform default behaviour, which is moving the cursor to beginning of the line return true; } // Prevent the default Home key behavior e.preventDefault(); // Move the cursor to the position of the first non-whitespace character setTimeout(function(){textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = lineStartPos + firstNonWhitespacePos}, 0); return; } }); } function initEditor(){ console.log("dom content loaded"); const editor = document.getElementById('playground'); const highlighted = document.getElementById('codeBlock'); editor.addEventListener('input', () => { console.log("change playground"); const code = editor.value; highlighted.textContent = code; hljs.highlightElement(highlighted); }); editor.value = ` async function callMetaStellar(method, params){ //You Can Delete this section after offical launch const isFlask = ( await window.ethereum?.request({ method: "web3_clientVersion" }) )?.includes("flask"); if(!isFlask){ alert("install Metamask Flask") } // ------------------------------------------------ if(method === 'connect'){ //This will also install stellar if the user has metamask return await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'wallet_requestSnaps', params: { ['npm:stellar-snap']: {} }, }); } const rpcPacket = { method: 'wallet_invokeSnap', params:{ snapId:'npm:stellar-snap', request: {'method':method, params:params} } } return await window.ethereum.request(rpcPacket); } alert((await callMetaStellar('connect'))?'connected':'not connected'); //await callMetaStellar('showAddress'); //await callMetaStellar('fund'); //await callMetaStellar('getBalance', {testnet:true}) ` highlighted.textContent = editor.value; hljs.highlightElement(highlighted); bindCodeEditorShortcutKeys(editor, highlighted); } if (document.readyState === "loading") { // Loading hasn't finished yet document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", initEditor); } else { // `DOMContentLoaded` has already fired initEditor(); } function runPlayground(){ let editor = document.getElementById('playground'); console.log(editor.value); eval('(async ()=>{'+editor.value+'})()'); } let runPlaygroundButton = document.getElementById('runplaygroundButton'); runPlaygroundButton.addEventListener('click', runPlayground); console.log(connectButton) async function connectSnap(){ try{ console.log("here") connected = await callMetaStellar('connect'); await fund(); await alert("💸testnet account funded💸"); console.log(connected) }catch(e){ if (e.toString() === "ReferenceError: ethereum is not defined"){ alert("Install metamask flask") } alert(e); } } connectButton.addEventListener('click', async ()=>await connectSnap()); async function callMetaStellar(method, params){ //You Can Delete this section after offical launch const isFlask = ( await window.ethereum?.request({ method: "web3_clientVersion" }) )?.includes("flask"); if(!isFlask){ alert("install Metamask Flask") } // ------------------------------------------------ if(method === 'connect'){ //This will also install stellar if the user has metamask return await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'wallet_requestSnaps', params: { ['npm:stellar-snap']: {} }, }); } const rpcPacket = { method: 'wallet_invokeSnap', params:{ snapId:'npm:stellar-snap', request: {'method':method, params:params} } } return await window.ethereum.request(rpcPacket); } function alertObject(obj){ console.log(obj); function stringObj(obj){ let outputString = '{'; let keys = Object.keys(obj); for(let i = 0; icallMetaStellar('showAddress')) let getDataPacketbtn = document.getElementById('getDataPacketbtn'); async function getDataPacket(){ let dataPacket = await callMetaStellar('getDataPacket'); console.log(dataPacket); alertObject(dataPacket); } getDataPacketbtn.addEventListener('click', getDataPacket); let getAccountInfobtn = document.getElementById('getAccountInfobtn'); async function getAccountInfo(){ let result = await callMetaStellar('getAccountInfo', {testnet:true}); alertObject(result); } getAccountInfobtn.addEventListener('click', getAccountInfo); const getBalancebtn = document.getElementById('getBalanceButton'); getBalancebtn.addEventListener('click', async ()=>alert(`${await callMetaStellar('getBalance', {testnet:true})} testnet xlm`)) const createAccountButton = document.getElementById('createAccountButton'); async function createAccount(){ let name = await prompt("account name"); result = await callMetaStellar('createAccount', {name:name}); console.log(result); alert(result); } createAccountButton.addEventListener('click', createAccount) </script>

Add Metamask
to your 🪐stellar/soroban application

In one step - copy📑 callMetaStellar(method, params)

also install metamask flask (until offical launch)

<textarea id="playground" wrap="soft" spellcheck="false"> </textarea>


The team manages and maintains the stellar wallet plugin for metamask. If implemented correctly, the end user should be aware they are using the stellar chain, but the experence should never feel like they are using a 'plug-in' hince the term snap.

The metastellar snap is a piece of code that lives inside the metamask wallet, and is automatically installed when requested by a web app. Connecting to the Stellar network using the snap is covered in ✨connect and install portion of the docs.

After the user installs the snap, a stellar wallet automatically created for them. This wallet can be accessed, using the standard metamask rpc api. This means that if you have experence developing with metamask in ethereum this shouldn't be too different. (sadly, no web3.js stellar3.js yet 🤞).

As a developer basic idea, is you shouldn't have to focus on OUR wallet, you should focus on YOUR app. Ideally the flow would be.

[connect Metamask] -> [create Stellar TXN] -> [call signTxn] -> [submit signed txn] ✅

happy hacking

Quick Start

  1. There is NO npm package required!
  2. The only thing required is that the users computer has metamask flask
    (just normal metamask after launch)
  3. install flask

✨ Connect and install

The wallet_requestSnaps method is used to connect to MetaMask and installs the Stellar Wallet if it's not already installed. This also generates the user's wallet.

/* //request connection */
async function connect(){
  const connected = await window.ethereum.request({
    method: 'wallet_requestSnaps',
    params: {
      [`npm:stellar-snap`]: {}

exec connect()

✨ Calling Stellar Methods

After the snap is connected the wallet_invokeSnap method is used to call Stellar Methods

🟠 get wallet data

      //invoke a stellar method without callMetaStellar()
      const request = {
          method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
          params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, 
              method: `${'getDataPacket'}`
      let address = (await window.ethereum.request(request)).currentAddress;
      // retreives the stellar walletData
      const walletData = await window.ethereum.request({
          method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
          params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
              method: `getDataPacket`,

retreve standard wallet INFO! getDataPacket method

🌐 Specify a Network

by default all methods are treated as mainnet, but any method can be issued to the testnet by using the testnet param. The testnet parameter can be used with all methods. If it dosn't make since for a certain method it is simply ignored silently.


    const result = await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `getBalance`,
              testnet: true

🔏 easily Signing a Transaction

use with the Stellar-js-sdk

      //invoke a stellar method with callMetaStellar

let stellarTransactionXDR:string =;

let signedTxnXDR:Promise<string> = callMetaStellar('signTransaction', {transaction : stellarTransactionXDR, testnet:true});

Calling Stellar RPC Methods

The easiest way to interact with the wallet is by coping the metastellar function

📎 copy the callMetaStellar Function

async function callMetaStellar(method, params){

  //You Can Delete this section after offical launch
  const isFlask = ( 
    await window.ethereum?.request({ method: "web3_clientVersion" })
    alert("install Metamask Flask")
  // ------------------------------------------------

  if(method === 'connect'){
  //This will also install stellar if the user has metamask
      return await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_requestSnaps',
        params: {
          ['npm:stellar-snap']: {}
  const rpcPacket = {
    method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      request: {'method':method, params:params}
  return await window.ethereum.request(rpcPacket);

invoke the callMetaStellar function

const connected:boolean = await callMetaStellar('connect');
const address:string = await callMetaStellar('getAddress'); 
interface signTxnParams{
  transaction:string //StellarSDK.TransactionXDR as String)
let params = {transaction:txn, testnet:true}
const signedTxn:string = await callMetaStellar('signTransaction', params)
//returns a signed stellar transaction in XDR as a string


returns the accounts address as a string

    const address = await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `getAddress`,


grabs infomation related to the account requires account to be funded

    const info = await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `getAccountInfo`,
                testnet?: true | false



gets the XLM balance of a wallet, returns 0 in unfunded wallets

    const balance = await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `getBalance`,
                testnet?: true | false



this method is used to transfer xlm and requires a funded account. after being called the wallet will generate a transaction, then prompt a user to accept if the user accepts the transaction it will be signed and broadcast to the network. will return transaction infomation. And send a notification stating whether the transaction was successful.

returns: StellarSDK.TransactionResult

const transactionInfomation = await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `getBalance`,
                to: 'stellarAddress' //string
                amount: '1000.45' //string represention of amount xlm to send
                testnet?: true | false

send xlm


this method funds the users wallet on the testnet,

const success = await window.ethereum.request({
    method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
    params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, 
            method: 'fund'


This method signs an Arbitary Transaction

    async function signTransaction(){
      const transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(account, { fee, networkPassphrase: "Test SDF Network ; September 2015" });
      // Add a payment operation to the transaction
      console.log("transaction builder initilazed");
      await transaction.addOperation(StellarSdk.Operation.payment({
        destination: receiverPublicKey,
        // The term native asset refers to lumens
        asset: StellarSdk.Asset.native(),
        // Specify 350.1234567 lumens. Lumens are divisible to seven digits past
        // the decimal. They are represented in JS Stellar SDK in string format
        // to avoid errors from the use of the JavaScript Number data structure.
        amount: '350.1234567',
      console.log("operations added")
      // Make this transaction valid for the next 30 seconds only
      await transaction.setTimeout(30);
      console.log("timeout set");
      // Uncomment to add a memo (
      // .addMemo(StellarSdk.Memo.text('Hello world!'))
      const endTransaction = await;
      const xdrTransaction = endTransaction.toXDR();
      const response = await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params:{snapId:snapId, request:{
          method: 'signTransaction',
            transaction: xdrTransaction,
            testnet: testnet


    await Screens.RequiresFundedWallet(request.method, wallet.address);
  return await operations.signAndSubmitTransaction(params.transaction);


retreves wallet info about the user, including names, addressess, and balances

returns DataPacket

    const walletInfo: DataPacket = await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `getDataPacket`,

get data packet


changes the connected account

  interface setCurrentAccountParams :{ 
  const switchAccountParams:setCurrentAccountParams = {
  const result = await window.ethereum.request({
    method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
    params: {`npm:stellar-snap`, 
        method: switchAccountParams,


displays the stellar address and a qr code in the extension

returns: boolean

    const result = await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {`npm:stellar-snap`, 
              method: `showAddress`,

Show Address


creates a new Account on the wallet

parameters: {name:string}

returns: bool

    interface createAccountParams{
      name: string

    const createAccountResult = await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {`npm:stellar-snap`, 
        request: {
            method: `createAccount`,
            params: {
              name: `${"Account-name"}`



returns a list of all stellar accounts in the wallet

  const accountList = await window.ethereum.request({
      method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      params: {`npm:stellar-snap`, 
      request: {
          method: `listAccounts`,


selects an account by address and changes its name

  const result = await window.ethereum.request({
      method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      params: {`npm:stellar-snap`, 
          method: `renameAccount`,
            address: `${accountAddress}`,
            name: `${"New-Account-Name"}`


opens a dialog where the user is prompted to import their private key, if they choose

throws on error

  const success:boolean = await window.ethereum.request({
      method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      params: {
          method: "importAccount",


gets all assets for the current Wallet

returns walletAsset[]

  const assets: walletAsset[] = await window.ethereum.request({
    method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
    params: {
        method: `getAssets`,
          testnet: true


sendAuthRequest is used to sign-in with

    const result = await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `sendAuthRequest`,
              url: `${endpoint}`,
              data: Object(postData),
              challenge: `${toBeSigned}`


  const auth = new Auth(wallet.keyPair);
  return await auth.signData(params.challenge);


  return await Screens.revealPrivateKey(wallet);
// -------------------------------- Methods That Require a funded Account ------------------------------------------


    await Screens.RequiresFundedWallet(request.method, wallet.address);
    throw new Error('Method Requires Account to be funded');
  return await operations.transferAsset(, params.amount, params.asset);


  return await Screens.setUpFedAccount(wallet);


The Wallet also supports sorroban, To sign a SorobanCall futurenet must be set to true on the params object.

    async function callContract() {
      console.log("here in callContract");
  const sourcePublicKey = await window.ethereum.request({
          method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
          params: {snapId:snapId, request:{
            method: 'getAddress',
  const server = new SorobanClient.Server('');

  console.log("getting account")
  const account = await server.getAccount(sourcePublicKey);
  console.log("account is: ")


  const contract = new SorobanClient.Contract("CCNLUNUY66TU4MB6JK4Y4EHVQTAO6KDWXDUSASQD2BBURMQT22H2CQU7")
  const arg = SorobanClient.nativeToScVal("world")
  console.log("arg is: ")
  let call_operation ='hello', arg);

  let transaction = new SorobanClient.TransactionBuilder(account, { fee: "150", networkPassphrase: SorobanClient.Networks.FUTURENET })
    .addOperation(call_operation) // <- funds and creates destinationA


    const preparedTransaction = await server.prepareTransaction(transaction, SorobanClient.Networks.FUTURENET);
    console.log("prepairedTxn: ");
    const tx_XDR = preparedTransaction.toXDR();
    const signedXDR = await window.ethereum.request(
      {method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
          params: {
              method: 'signTransaction',
                transaction: tx_XDR,
                futurenet: true
    const transactionResult = await server.sendTransaction(signedXDR);
    console.log(JSON.stringify(transactionResult, null, 2));
    console.log('\nSuccess! View the transaction at: ');
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('An error has occured:');



An interface that contains infomation about the wallet

export interface DataPacket{
    name: string, //comment
    currentAddress: string,
    mainnetAssets?: walletAsset[],
    testnetAssets?: walletAsset[],
    accounts: Array<{name:String, address:String}>
    mainnetXLMBalance: string,
    testnetXLMBalance: string,
    fedName: string | null

Wallet Asset

a type that represents a the balance of asset held by a wallet

export type walletAsset = AssetBalance | NativeBalance


export interface NativeBalance {
    limit: string,
    buying_liabilites: string,
    selling_liabilites: string,
    sponser?: string,
    last_modified_ledger: number,
    is_authorized: boolean,
    is_authorized_to_maintain_liabilites: boolean,
    is_clawback_enabled: boolean,
    asset_type: "native",
    asset_issuer: "native"
    asset_code: "XLM"


export interface AssetBalance {
    balance: string, //number
    liquidity_pool_id?: string, //number
    limit: string, //number
    buying_liabilites: string, //number
    selling_liabilites: string, //number
    sponser?: string, //address
    last_modified_ledger: number,
    is_authorized: boolean,
    is_authorized_to_maintain_liabilites: boolean,
    is_clawback_enabled: boolean,
    asset_type: "credit_alphanum4"|"credit_alphanum12"
    asset_code: string,
    asset_issuer: string, //address

building from Source

foo@bar:~$ yarn

foo@bar:~$ npx mm-snap build

Build success: 'src\index.ts' bundled as 'dist\bundle.js'!
Eval Success: evaluated 'dist\bundle.js' in SES!

foo@bar:npx mm-snap serve

Starting server...
Server listening on: http://localhost:8080

and just like that you should be good to go.

Key Generation and Storeage

keys are generated on the fly, anytime a method is invoked. This works by requesting private entropy from the metamask wallet inside of the snaps secure execution enviroment, and using that entropy to generate a users keys. This entropy is static, and based on the users ethereum account. This means that we at no point store keys, and the fissile material is handled by metamask.

Account Recovery

Because keys are handled in this way, when a user recovers their metamask account, they will also recover their stellar account, which means that there isn't another mnemonic to save.


documentation page for using stellar on metamask






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