A software development tool kit for evaluating ASR and KWS systems
$ python setup.py install
$ asreval -h
usage: asreval [-h] [--term-list TERM_LIST] --cnet-list CNET_LIST
(--stm STM | --ctm CTM) [--ctm-max-silence CTM_MAX_SILENCE]
[--ctm-max-uttr-len CTM_MAX_UTTR_LEN]
[--use-channel {file,directory}] [--csv]
{kwsmap,wordscores} ...
Compute Mean Average Precision for KWS
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--term-list TERM_LIST
Calculate mAP for words in this list. If not given,
word list will be all words in the stm. Can be a
dictionary xml term list, or a file with one term per
--cnet-list CNET_LIST
File containing a list of consensus network files to
calculate mAP for.
--stm STM File containing the truth for each cnet listed.
--ctm CTM File containing the truth for each cnet listed.
--ctm-max-silence CTM_MAX_SILENCE
Silence gap in seconds to split utterances when useing
a ctm reference (-1.0 for no splitting on silence gap)
(default: 3.0).
--ctm-max-uttr-len CTM_MAX_UTTR_LEN
Maximum len in seconds of a single utterance when
using a ctm reference (-1.0 for no splitting on max
len) (default: 15.0)
--use-channel {file,directory}
'directory' if directory containing cnet files has
'-<channel>' appended.'file' if cnet file have
'-<channel>' before file extension
--csv CSV style output instead of report style
kwsmap Compute Mean Average Precision for KWS (When outputing
csv the first row has the overall MAP)
wordscores Compute scores for each word utterance pair (Outputs
csv rows with audio_id,channel,start_time,stop_time,wo
$ asreval kwsmap -h
usage: asreval kwsmap [-h] [--ave-precision-by-term]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
List average precision for each word.
$ asreval wordscores
usage: asreval kwsmap [-h] [--ave-precision-by-term]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
List average precision for each word.
[gaclar3@rd6ul-92304g metrics]$ vim README.md
[gaclar3@rd6ul-92304g metrics]$ python -m asreval.asreval_script wordscores -h
usage: asreval wordscores [-h] [--score-format {raw,posterior,log10,log2,ln}]
[--default-score DEFAULT_SCORE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--score-format {raw,posterior,log10,log2,ln}
Format of raw cnet scores. These will be converted to
posteriors for use in det curves unless raw is chosen
(default: raw)
--default-score DEFAULT_SCORE
Default score used as score for word not found in
utterance (default: 0.0)