MemHouse is a platform to easy surf mems
Platform is only for mems. No messages, no something else
Users can subscribe only for tags, not for communities (Like in VK). Thus, we will avoid the problem if the community is overwhelmed with subscribers and because of this, a lot of people watch it memes, although the memes are of poor quality.
Show only hith rating mems with not duplicates
Users can creates mems and earn money for that (We are not greedy)
/Users/user/Downloads/ngrok http 3002
docker build -t user --build-arg APP_NAME=user .
docker build -t mem --build-arg APP_NAME=mem .
docker build -t gateway --build-arg APP_NAME=gateway .
docker run --env-file ./.env user
docker run --env-file ./.env mem
docker run --env-file ./.env gateway