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About the block renderer

meltingice edited this page Feb 25, 2011 · 1 revision

CamanJS Block Renderer

CamanJS now uses a block rendering system, which gives some notable benefits:

  • Image rendering is asynchronous, which means page rendering is no longer blocked.
  • Slower filters get a nice speed improvement due to (fake) render concurrency. Of course browser JS engines are event-based and single-threaded, but by splitting up the canvas into separate chunks, we give more control to the JS engine for managing operations.

The way the renderer works is:

  1. When each filter function is called, instead of rendering immediately, they are added to a render queue.
  2. When the render() function is called, THEN the rendering actually begins.
  3. The next filter is shifted off of the render queue and sent to the rendering function.
  4. The image is divided into X number of blocks, which are simply horizontal partitions in the image.
  5. The filter is performed on each block simultaneously by using setTimeout() with a 0ms timeout value. Using setTimeout() is what forces each block to render asynchronously, even if the timeout value is 0.
  6. When a block is finished being rendered, it calls a function that tracks the # of blocks that have finished. When all blocks have finished, it signals that the filter is finished rendering.
  7. If there are more filters in the render queue, then steps 3-6 happen for each until the queue empties.
  8. When the queue empties, the callback supplied to render() is called.

The concurrency defaults to 4 blocks, but you can change this to whatever number you want by changing the Caman global variable renderBlocks:

Caman.renderBlocks = 8; // even number recommended
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