A place to share questions and answers from labs at WWDC
We know that WWDC tickets are both expensive and scarse. Not everyone can get there. A big advantage of WWDC over the sessions which are live streamed is being able to attend the labs and ask questions of the Apple Engineers that are there.
As a community it would be good to have a way of sharing the questions and answers with others. Having this repository as a central location of questions / answers.
It needs to be said that the information shared here is public. As such, talking about things which aren't released is definitely not on.
If you are sharing sample code from your work project, make sure that it is okay to share it and that it is anonymised.
The more detail you have in a question, the better the chance of someone being able to get an answer for you.
It is always a good idea to include a sample project that demonstrates the problem you are trying to solve.
If you are able to help out by going to the labs, make sure that this is mentioned in the GitHub issue for the question.
This is a great way of getting feedback and clarity on the question.
If you have some sample code that you want included, create a pull request and we'll merge it in.
Please be polite when asking questions and presenting the questions at labs.