Bank management is a some type of sand-box repository to try a new technologies
- Java JDK-17
- Gradle 7.6.1
- Spring Boot 3.0.6
- Spring Web Services
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Web
- Spring Actuator
- Rest Repositories
- Lombok 1.18.26
- Junit
- Git CI-CD Workflow
- PostgreSQL
- Docker
- Prometheus
- Metrics
- Kubernetes
- Helm Chart
- pgAdmin
- BM-001: Create a new java and gradle project
- BM-002: Spring Boot version update to the latest
- BM-003: Create model layer using Data-JPA and Repositories
- BM-004: Use facade design pattern in order to save and find data
- BM-005: Add service as a middle layer between controller and DB
- BM-006: Add controller (change the SpringBoot version back to 3.0.6)
- BM-007: Add exceptions handler
- BM-008: Add unit tests and IT for DataFacade
- BM-009: Add unit tests and IT for BankAccountService
- BM-010: Add unit tests for BankAccountMapper and TransactionMapper
- BM-011: Add IT for BankAccountController
- BM-012: Add test suite
- BM-013: Optimization tests coverage
- BM-014: Add 'Docker' support
- BM-015: Use 'Version' from gradle file in dockerfile and 'Git' CI/CD workflow
- BM-016: Add auto increment method for 'Version' in gradle file
- BM-017: Add support of 'main' and 'Pull Request' Git Workflows
- BM-018: Add support of 'Spring Actuator'
- BM-019: Add support of 'Prometheus'
- BM-021: Update Dockerfile and docker-compose file
- BM-022: Add 'Docker' tasks to gradle build
- FIX-001: GitHub Workflows fix
- FIX-002: GitHub Workflows fix
- BM-023: Adding custom metrics
- BM-024: Add support of 'Grafana'
- FIX-003: Update activate and deactivate account methods
- BM-025: Add Kubernetes deployment files
- BM-026: Add Helm Chart deployment files
- BM-032: Add pgAdmin
- BM-031: Change Kubernetes Postgres kind to StatefulSet
image: mlustig/bank-management:latest
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL: jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/postgres
- "8080:8080"
- postgres