Geotag is a Python command-line application to identify the geographical coordinates of relative spatial information (RSI). In this work, we identified the following spatial relations (north, south, east, west, north-east, north-west, south-east, south-west, central, nearby, surrounding) of location.
- List of the available countries and cities with their supported spelling are available in the corresponding .csv files (cities.csv, countries.csv).
Change the line # 11 and line # 12 in for the city you want to identify the spatial relations
locale = "IT"
city = "Milan"
E.g. to identify the spatial relations of city Nice in France, You can change it accordingly using following code in line # 11 and line # 12.
locale = "FR"
city = "Nice"
To run the Python console application to identify the coordinates of configured location in previous step. Follow the below step
- The output after running GeoTag will be saved in directory e.g. for city Nice located in France, the output directory is '/geojson/fr/cities/nice/'.
- In each location directory, there are 11 geojson files which contains geographical coordinates i.e. north.geojson, south.geojson, east.geojson, west.geojson, north-east.geojson, north-west.geojson, south-east.geojson, south-west.geojson, centeral.geojson, nearby.geojson, surrounding.geojson.
GeoTag - Visualizer is a web application built in python language used for visualizing the above relative spatial information (RSI).
There are few Python packages that are needed to install for running the GeoTag demo application
- Install streamit library for running GeoTag web application
pip install streamlit
- Install folium library for manipulating your data in Python, then visualize it in a Leaflet map via folium.
pip install folium
- Install streamlit-folium library to visualize Leaflet map in streamlit web application
pip install streamlit-folium
- Finally, run the Geotag Visualizer web application
streamlit run
Few examples of RSI captured from GeoTag Visualizer i.e. nearby Milan, central Utrecht, south Paris and surrounding of Grenoble