This RestfulAPI was developed by me to be used for a football themed project. Now It's completely free to use, edit and manipulate by anyone with any purpose!
- Authentication with JWT
- Login and register endpoints
- Ready and free to edit & use!
Clone the repo and edit your apache server's httpd.conf
and httpd-vhosts.conf
DocumentRoot "C:\{PROJECT_ROOT}\public"
<Directory "C:\{PROJECT_ROOT}\public/">
DocumentRoot "C:\{PROJECT_ROOT}\public"
<Directory "C:\{PROJECT_ROOT}\public/">
Then restart your apache server to apply new configs. Navigate to http://localhost:80/. If the response is {"success":true}
you are ready to go!
(Please don't forget to create database with the db.sql
# | endpoint | method | headers | body |
1 | / | GET | - | - |
2 | /login | POST | - | {"email":{string},"sifre":{string}} |
3 | /register | POST | - | {"email":{string},"sifre":{string},"ad":{string},"soyad":{string},"foto":{string},"dogum_gunu":"{yyyy-mm-dd}","forma_numarasi":{integer},"mevki_id":{integer},"forma_beden_id":{integer},"boy":{integer},"kilo":{integer},"ayakkabi_numarasi":{integer},"ayak":"{enum -> Sağ/Sol/Çift}"} |
4 | /players | GET | Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN | - |
5 | /players/:id | GET | Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN | - |
6 | /teams | GET | Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN | - |
7 | /teams/:id | GET | Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN | - |
8 | /players/byTeam/:id | GET | Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN | - |