Miss windows-like list of all windows in your taskbar?
The window class => icon
map is pretty much empty, set it up the way you like it so it works for your font and apps.
- Focus workspace and window on left mouse button click
- Highlight urgent windows
- Remove unnecessary text from window titles like " - Chromium" for chromium windows to make them shorter
- Overflow the polybar when there is too many windows open :^)
- limit to some number of windows / characters to somehow solve the overflowing issue
- Visually group together workspaces
- Configurability
- Make the window title formatting automatic (e.g. always removing
- [app name]
type = custom/script
exec = ~/projects/polybar-i3-windows/module.py
tail = true
The scripts expects font-2 to be the font that should be used for icons. You probably want it to have higher size than your regular font. Example:
font-0 = NotoSans Nerd Font:size=10;2
font-1 = siji:pixelsize=16;1
font-2 = NotoSans Nerd Font:size=16;4