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Image server for the metaslurp service.

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Docker container hosting a Cantaloupe instance for the Digital Collections Gateway.

Instance Overview

  • Cantaloupe listens on HTTP port 8182.
  • AWS credentials are obtained from a task IAM role. When running locally, these are obtained from an ECS Local Endpoint.
  • Identifiers vary depending on the content service. The identifier prefix (dls-*, idnc-*, etc.) is used by the source() delegate method to determine what Source to use to find a particular image:
    • S3Source is used for DLS.
    • HttpSource is used for IDNC.
    • These sources' delegate methods then look up the "master access image" URI by fetching the item's JSON representation from metaslurp.
  • The derivative cache is S3Cache.
  • Format assignments:
    • JPEG: TurboJpegProcessor
    • JPEG2000: KakaduNativeProcessor
    • PDF: PdfBoxProcessor
    • Everything else: Java2dProcessor


  1. Look at the comment header of image_files/ to see what version it's for.
  2. Download that version's release zip file into image_files.
    • You can probably use any newer version, as long as the config file contains the right keys for it, and any dependencies are in place.
    • This could be automated, but doing it this way makes it easier to use arbitrary snapshots.
  3. Copy env-*.list.sample to env-*.list and fill them in. Don't commit any to version control!
  4. ./



  1. aws login (GitHub)
  2. docker-compose up --build


In ECS, the *.list files aren't used, so all of the variables in its "Container Runtime Environment Variables" section have to be set in the task definition.

  1. ./
  2. ./

ECS Configuration Notes

Images are tagged with the Cantaloupe version. There is also a latest tag applied to the latest version which is what is specified in the task definition. If there is ever a need to revert to a previous version, the task definition must be updated (in Terraform) to specify that version.


Image server for the metaslurp service.






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