To use the service send a POST request to /
The request body should be JSON with the following structure:
"html": "<html string to be converted into pdf>",
"attachments": [
"<URL or base64 string of first pdf to be appended to final pdf output>",
"<URL or base64 string of second pdf to be appended to final pdf output>"
"stamp": "html string for stamping each page of merged pdf"
The attachments
and stamp
keys are optional, URL must include protocol http(s):
The default body size limits to a maximum of 50mb
The docker container exposes port 80 which should be forwarded to the node service which is listening on port 3000.
To check if the service is running, send a GET request to /ping
Note: as of September 2023 the docker build is not working on M1/M2 macs. If you are using apple silicon and you need the pdf-service running, skip straight ahead to the "Running locally without Docker" section.
docker build -t mediasuite/pdf-service:<version_tag> .
You can build and push to Docker Hub with a timestamped tag with the following command:
npm run docker
This will also push a matching image with the latest
docker run -d -p 80:3000 mediasuite/pdf-service:<version_tag>
The default command that is used when starting the docker image as above will be node .
, this can be overridden by specifying the command when running the image. Example:
docker run -d -p 80:3000 mediasuite/pdf-service:<version_tag> node . --limit=150mb
This starts the image and runs the app setting the max. body size to 150mb.
This module can of course be run locally without Docker, however you will need to install the following dependencies:
- wkhtmltopdf
- pdftk
After pulling down this repo and running npm install
you can start the service using default settings with node .
, there are currently three optional args --port
, --limit
, and --loglevel
for setting the port to listen on, maximum allowed body size for the request, and the log level.
Example: node . --port 3333 --limit 100mb
// sets the port to 3333 and max. body size to 100mb