This bundle is used to manage editorial content in a website.
This is a beta version.
Author : Philippe Le Van (twitter @plv)
We are developping this CMS because the opensource CMS we found on the market were too complex for our clients.
The goals of this CMS are :
- a super easy to use CMS for non technical people
- a CMS that can be integrated in an existing symfony2 project
- editorial contents managed by the CMS can be added to a dynamic page
- no administration page exept the website tree.
In beta state.
- a lot of documentation is missing
- no unit test
- only works on unix/linux hosting
We are begining to use it at Kitpages for small websites.
- Edition of contents
- edition/preview/production mode
- change page layout and block template freely
- upload images
- can be integrated as a simple bundle in an existing website
- manage navigation
- small news/blog system integrated
See directory Resources/doc for a documentation