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V. Themes

kate edited this page Jun 1, 2024 · 1 revision

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Neovim themes make your Neovim look " ✨ pretty ✨ ". Here are some popular ones:

  • Tokyo Night
  • Catppuccin
  • Gruvbox All you gotta do to install these is add Plug and the GitHub repo author and name to your init.vim's plug section.

I personally use a customized version of nano-theme with that subtle 🏳️‍⚧️ color scheme. ...Oh, you want to see it? You probably weren't thinking that, but oh well, just download nano-theme, change colors.lua's M.get()'s top section to contain the following:

local  base0 = is_light_theme and "#FFFFFF" or "#191C25"
local  base1 = is_light_theme and "#E0E0E0" or "#242832"
local  base2 = is_light_theme and "#C1C1C1" or "#2C333F"
local  base3 = is_light_theme and "#A3A3A3" or "#373E4C"
local  base4 = is_light_theme and "#848484" or "#434C5E"
local  base5 = is_light_theme and "#666666" or "#4C566A"
local  base6 = is_light_theme and "#474747" or "#9099AB"
local  base7 = is_light_theme and "#282828" or "#D8DEE9"

local nano_foreground_color = is_light_theme and "#37474F" or "#ECEFF4"
local nano_background_color = is_light_theme and "#FFFFFF" or "#2E3440"
local nano_highlight_color  = is_light_theme and "#FAFAFA" or "#2c333f"
local nano_subtle_color     = is_light_theme and "#ECEFF1" or "#434C5E"
local nano_faded_color      = is_light_theme and "#90A4AE" or "#5bcefa"
local nano_veryfaded_color  = is_light_theme and "#BBCCCE" or "#506071"
local nano_salient_color    = is_light_theme and "#673AB7" or "#f5a9bb"
local nano_strong_color     = is_light_theme and "#263238" or "#f5a9bb"
local nano_popout_color     = is_light_theme and "#FFAB91" or "#D08770"
local nano_critical_color   = is_light_theme and "#FF6F00" or "#f5a9bb"

and you should be good.

Conclusion (for now (or for forever))

I really enjoyed making this but I'm getting a bit bored and it's 6:57 PM so that's all for now. Bye!

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