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Settings Layers

The extension introduces several settings layers:

  • CodeStyle
  • CodeInspection
  • FileLayout
  • LiveTemplates
  • UserDictionary

CodeStyle Settings

This settings layer introduces standardised code style settings.

CodeInspection Settings

This settings layer configures some of the ReSharper inspection settings.

FileLayout Settings

This settings layer standardises the order of the FileLayout and creates the RacingPoint Cleanup setting. Clean-up can be executed using Ctrl+E,C and selecting RacingPoint Cleanup.

LiveTemplates Settings

This settings layer adds LiveTemplates which are Intended to simplify repetitive tasks.

Note that elements inside $ symbols are tokenised, and may present a list of options or objects.

Templates for Production Code

Shortcut Description Notes / Syntax
cr Standard copyright header // Copyright (c) MDIT Solutions Ltd $CREATED_YEAR$.
gn Guard IsNotNull Guard.IsNotNull($parameterName$, nameof($parameterName$));
no nameof nameof($argument$)
rg Region #region $Access $Member #endregion

Templates for Documentation

Shortcut Description Notes / Syntax
anx Argument Exception Documentation Inserts exception docs following an empty triple-slash
<exception cref="System.$ArgumentNull$Exception">
/// Thrown when <paramref name="$arg$"/> is $IsNull$.
/// </exception>
cc Standard constructor documentation Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="$Class$"/> class.
inh Inheritdoc /// <inheritdoc/>
noop Standard documentation for a no-op method The default implementation is a no-op.
opr Adds documentation for an or clause, useful after using anx or <paramref name="$arg$"/>
pr Parameter reference <paramref name="$arg$"/>
seef See False Keyword <see langword="false"/>
seet See True Keyword <see langword="true"/>
seen See Null Keyword <see langword="null"/>
tprm Type parameter documentation /// <typeparam name="$T$">The type of <paramref name="$param$"/></typeparam>

Templates for Test Code

Shortcut Description Notes / Syntax
amd [AutoMoqData] attribute [AutoMoqData]
amdc [AutoMoqData] attribute with customization [AutoMoqData(typeof($Customization$))]
ase General Assertion Assert.$Equal$($expected$.$Property$, $actual$.$Property$);
asx Exception Assertion Assert.Throws<$ExceptionType$Exception>(() => );
bcd Boolean Class Data Provider [Theory]
ecd Enum Class Data Provider [Theory]
il Inline Data Attribute [InlineData($value$)]
ta Theory [Theory]
tc Skeleton code for a test class Use in an empty .cs file to insert a skeleton test class including constructor initialisation and null argument tests.
tctor Inserts a constructor test [Fact]
public void Ctor_CorrectlyInitializesMembers()
{ AutoAssert.ConstructorInitializesMembers<$Class$>(); }
tcx Inserts a null constructor arguments test [Fact]
public void Ctors_WhenArgumentsNull_Throw()
{ AutoAssert.ThrowsIfConstructorArgumentsNull<$Class$>()); }
tcmx Inserts constructor and method argument null tests [Fact]
public void Ctors_WhenArgumentsNull_Throw()
{ AutoAssert.ThrowsIfConstructorArgumentsNull<$Class$>()); }

public void Methods_WhenArgumentsNull_Throw(MethodInfo method)
{ AutoAssert.ThrowsIfMethodArgumentsNull(method); }
tmx Inserts a null method arguments test [Theory]
public void Methods_WhenArgumentsNull_Throw(MethodInfo method)
{ AutoAssert.ThrowsIfMethodArgumentsNull(method); }
tmsx Inserts a null method arguments test and a class
data provider for testing a static class
public void Methods_WhenArgumentsNull_Throw(MethodInfo method)
{ AutoAssert.ThrowsIfMethodArgumentsNull(method); }

private class $Class$MethodProvider : MethodInfoClassDataProvider
{ public $Class$MethodProvider() : base(typeof($Class$)) {} }
teq Skeleton code for an equality test Inserts a ImplementsEqualityContract() test
tm Skeleton code for a test Inserts a new test with tokenised public void $Method$_$Action$_$Expectation$() name


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