Sk8DateBot is a Telegram Bot used for blasting skate dates from a Telegram group chat to a Telegram Channel. It is a built with the Django web framework in Python programming language.
This is an open source project. Please continue this README to get set your local env set up. You can then contribute in one of 2 ways:
- Fork this repo, and then make Pull Requests from your fork of this repo.
- Clone this repo and make Merge Requests from a feature branch.
New features will only be accepted if they include adequate tests, and testing instructions for QA (ie tell me what you did and how it should work so I can test it).
Everything will be formatted by Black before being merged (I'll take care of that, don't worry).
From here, words that looks like this
are commands you are meant to type somewhere, usually into a terminal.
Install python on your local machine
- Google it or go here.
Install ngrok on your local machine
- Google it or go here.
NOTE this installation will only work on a mac >= 10.13, and on a mac, for me it was easier to install with
brew install ngrok/ngrok/ngrok
.- Make an account and then follow these instructions to conect my account.
From the terminal navigate to the directory you want this code to live and clone this repo by typing the following into a terminal:
git clone
cd sk8_bot
to get into
is how you change folders from the command line. -
. You can do this by typingcp sk8_bot/.env.example sk8_bot/.env
in the terminal. -
Make a Virtual Environment:
- If you have python 3.9 on your system, you can make a virtual environment like so:
python -m venv venv
- If that doesn't work, you might need to type
python3 -m venv venv
- If you have python 3.9 on your system, you can make a virtual environment like so:
Activate virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Install backend requirements (make sure you are in your virtual environment first):
pip install -r requirements.txt
- If that doesn't work, you might need to type
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
NOTE TO THE FUTURE: if this does not work, check to ensure thatcffi
is not pinned to a specific verison, in requirements.txt As of right now cffi is causing problems between versions of python 3.9 versus 3.10
- If that doesn't work, you might need to type
Run initial migrations, to prepare database:
python migrate
- If that doesn't work, you might need to type
python3 migrate
- If that doesn't work, you might need to type
Make yourself a super user:
python createsuperuser
(orpython3 createsuperuser
) so on and so forth for all otherpython
commands- You will be prompted by Django to create a super user, and you can use these credentials to log into the Admin interface (more on that later. We're going to take a pause on this subject here and come back to it.)
Import starter data into the database:
python loaddata fixtures/db.json
Get a Telegram API ID and Save Credenitals
- Get a Telegram API ID here
- From there, choose “API development tools”. If it is your first time doing so, it will ask you for an app name and a short name, you can change both of them later if you need to. Submit the form when you have completed it.
- You will then see the api_id and api_hash for your app. These are unique to your app, and not revocable.
Put those in the .env file that you copied. Replace "dummy" for TELEGRAM_APP_API_ID and TELEGRAM_APP_API_HASH with your new api_id and api_hash.
Depending on your system, you might not be able to see the .env file. You will still be able to access it by typing
nano sk8_bot/.env
into the terminal, or by using an IDE, like PyCharm, what will show it in the directory. Don't forget to save your changes! Note, nano is a pain in the ass to exitm you need to Ctrl+X
Create Your Own Test instance of the Bot
While logged in to your account on Telegram, make a bot
BotFather will give you an API Key. Put that in your .env file under TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN
Set the privacy of your Bot so it can read chat messages. To do this, in your conversation with BotFather type
and then after BotFather has you choose your bot, simple type
Create a group chat and a channel. Add your bot to both, make the Bot an admin of the channel, and give it access to post messages.
Run ngrok by opening another terminal and typing:
ngrok http 8000
- If you're on Windows you may need to navigate in the terminal to the directory where you installed it, and typing:
./ngrok http 8000
Create a Test Group and Channel for your Test Bot and save the chat ids in the database
Set up Telegram webhooks to your local instance with the following command, replacing "<web_hook_address>" with the Forwarding address in the ngrok terminal (it will probably be something like '' but with different numbers/letters ) Make this command from a terminal in this repo's home directory:
python set_hook --address <web_hook_address>
Run the Django server:
python runserver
Go back to the conversation you made with your bot. Say something. Afterwards, you should see a message in the terminal that looks something like:
{'update_id': 506937115, 'message': {'message_id': 2, 'from': {'id': 5459064228, 'is_bot': False, 'first_name': 'Mic', 'last_name': 'Test'}, 'chat': {'id': -800841577, 'title': 'Test Bot Chat', 'type': 'group', 'all_members_are_administrators': True}, 'date': 1664634193, 'text': 'Test comment'}}
Navigate to the Admin by typing into your browser. On the login screen, enter the username and password you made awhile go, when you typed
python createsuperuser
(I told you we'd come back to this.) -
Go to These are your input sources; basically conversations where the bot commands come from. Click on the one named "Bot Convo". Change its chat ID to whatever
chat id
you see in your local terminal.... 'chat': {'id': -800841577, ...
Do the same for the channel. Make a test comment in the channel. Then navigate to the OutputChannels in the admin. Select the "Sk8Dates" one and replace its "Channel id" with what you see in your terminal under
chat id
... 'chat': {'id': -1001845844181, ...
You're finally done with setup! Go to the first conversation and type in your favorite command. /doggo, /kitty, etc.
- Run ngrok by navigating in the terminal to the directory where you installed it, and typing:
`./ngrok http 8000`
In another terminal, activate your virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Set up Telegram webhooks to your local instance with the following command, replacing "<web_hook_address>" with the Forwarding address in the ngrok terminal (it will probably be something like '' but with different numbers/letters ) Make this command from a terminal in this repo's home directory:
python set_hook --address <web_hook_address>
Run the local django server
python runserver
Posting messages works both from a Telegram chat as well as from the CiB Slack workspace.
In sk8_bot/webhooks_consumer/
, there are 2 classes:
- TelegramBotView
- SlackBotView
I bet you can guess which one handles which.
For Telegram, every time a message is posted in a group that the skatebot is in, that message gets sent to this backend as JSON, looking something like this:
{'update_id': 944746271,
'message': {
'message_id': 32726,
{'id': 531519657, 'is_bot': False, 'first_name': 'SABA', 'username': 'SABAloops'
'chat': {
'id': -1001258758865, 'title': 'Berlin Quadsk8ing on Ramps/Bowls/Skateparks Chatter', 'type': 'supergroup'
'date': 1658575957, 'text': 'Who is in the parade?! :) we’re coming!! :)'
In TelegramBotView there is a function called post
, which parses this json. It checks to see if the message contains a command (if it starts with a /) and of so, if takes the word (for example, "/sk8") and checks the database to see if there is a saved commant for that command and chat combination. This will be explained a little more below, in Database Models.
In sk8_bot/webhooks_consumer/
you'll see several simple functions, like
etc Those are the functions that dictate what happens for their respective commands that trigger them. sk8 is not there because all it does is take input and put it somewhere else, which willl make more sense in Database Models. Thwe only thing from "/sk8" command that is in this file is the function_get_broadcast_message
, which formats the message posted to the skate bulletin and CiB Slack.
In sk8_bot/webhooks_consumer/
there are definitions of the database models (aka tables).
is where the messages come from, such as a Telegram chat or Slack channel.
Is the same, but they are generally different Telegram chats/Slack channels.
For example, for a /sk8 bulletin to go from the "Berlin Quadsk8ing on Ramps/Bowls/Skateparks Chatter" to the CiB Slack channel and skate bulletin channel, the chat where the message originated is the InputSource
, then the Slack channel and Sk8Date Bulletin are both OutputChannel
. Because something (pictures of dogs, cats, or sloths) gets posted back to the "Berlin Quadsk8ing on Ramps/Bowls/Skateparks Chatter", it is also an OutputChannel
. The "Berlin Skate Crew" chat doesn't get animal pictures, so it is not an OutputChannel
, just an InputSource
is what the Bot actually returns. For exmample, for the simple command /doggo
that returns a picture of a dog in "Berlin Quadsk8ing on Ramps/Bowls/Skateparks Chatter", it looks like this:
is Telegramoutput_channel
is the same chat the command came from, "Berlin Quadsk8ing on Ramps/Bowls/Skateparks Chatter"
brings this all together.
the actual text that triggers this sequence, like "sk8" or "doggo"content_required
True or False of whether content is required. For example, /sk8 requires text or else it does nothing, but doggo doesn't.output
is an instance ofBotOutput
- Try restarting ngrok and re-running the command to set the webhook.