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Queue Manager Bundle

A bundle for running background jobs in Symfony.

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This bundle provides a consistent queue interface, with plugable 'drivers' that can schedule jobs using a number of different queue types:

There are also a number of 'helper' plugins:

  • Doctrine Delay Queue

    This plugins can schedule jobs far in advance and move them into a real time queue when they should be run. Use in combination with SQS or Beanstalkd which don't support scheduling jobs.

  • Perioidic Jobs

    Automatically schedule a jobs to run every hour/day/week or other period. Randomizes the actual time to keep an even server load.


A job is a Symfony service that implements the Worker interface. This has a single method execute(array $arguments). The name of the job is the service name.

You add jobs to the queue by calling $container->get(QueueManagerRegistry::class)->put($name, $arguments).

Check the documentation of the driver you are using as to how to run the daemon process(es).



composer require mcfedr/queue-manager-bundle


Include the bundle in your AppKernel

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            new Mcfedr\QueueManagerBundle\McfedrQueueManagerBundle(),


You must configure one (or more) drivers to use. Generally you will have just one and call it 'default'.



The beanstalk runner is a Symfony command. You can runner multiple instances if you need to handle higher numbers of jobs.

./bin/console mcfedr:queue:{name}-runner

Where {name} is what you used in the config. Add -v or more to get detailed logs.


            driver: beanstalkd
                port: 11300
                default_queue: mcfedr_queue

Supported options to QueueManager::put

  • queue - The name of the queue to put the job in.
  • priority - The job priority.
  • ttr - Time to run, the time given for a job to finish before it is repeated.
  • time - A \DateTime object of when to schedule this job.
  • delay - Number of seconds from now to schedule this job.



The sqs runner is a Symfony command. You can runner multiple instances if you need to handle higher numbers of jobs.

./bin/console mcfedr:queue:{name}-runner

Where {name} is what you used in the config. Add -v or more to get detailed logs.


            driver: sqs
                region: eu-west-1
                    key: 'my-access-key-id'
                    secret: 'my-secret-access-key'
  • default_url - Default SQS queue url.
  • region - The region where your queue is. Required if not passing sqs_client.
  • credentials optional - Specify your key and secret This is optional because the SDK can pick up your credentials from a variety of places.
  • sqs_client - Name of SQSClient service to use.
  • queues optional - Allows you to setup a mapping of short names for queues, this makes it easier to use multiple queues and keep the config in one place.

Supported options to QueueManager::put

  • url - A string with the url of a queue.
  • queue - A string with the name of a queue in the config.
  • time - A \DateTime object of when to schedule this job. Note: SQS can delay jobs up to 15 minutes.
  • delay - Number of seconds from now to schedule this job. Note: SQS can delay jobs up to 15 minutes.
  • ttr - Number of seconds during which Amazon SQS prevents other consumers from receiving and processing the message (SQS Visibility Timeout).

GCP Pub/Sub


The pub/sub runner is a Symfony command. You can runner multiple instances if you need to handle higher numbers of jobs.

./bin/console mcfedr:queue:{name}-runner

Where {name} is what you used in the config. Add -v or more to get detailed logs.


            driver: pub_sub
                default_subscription: 'test_sub'
                default_topic: 'projects/project/topics/test-topic'
                        topic: 'projects/project/topics/test-topic'
                        subscription: 'test_sub'
  • default_subscription - Default Pub/Sub subscription to listen to.
  • default_topic - Default Pub/Sub topic to push to.
  • key_file_path optional - Specify your key file. This is optional because the SDK can pick up your credentials from a variety of places.
  • pub_sub_client - Name of PubSubClient service to use.
  • pub_sub_queues optional - Allows you to setup a mapping of short names for queues, this makes it easier to use multiple queues and keep the config in one place. Each queue should have a topic and subscription.

Supported options to QueueManager::put

  • topic - A string with the url of a queue.
  • queue - A string with the name of a queue in the config.


This driver doesn't run jobs, it requires another driver to actually process jobs.


There is no runner daemon for this driver as it just plugs into other drivers. Use it by putting jobs into this driver with the period option.


            driver: periodic
                default_manager: delay
                default_manager_options: []

This will create a QueueManager service named "mcfedr_queue_manager.periodic".

  • default_manager - Default job processor, must support delayed jobs, for example Doctrine Delay.
  • default_manager_options - Default options to pass to job processor put.

Supported options to QueueManager::put

  • period - The average number of seconds between job runs.
  • manager - Use a different job processor for this job.
  • manager_options - Options to pass to the processors put method.

Doctrine Delay

This driver doesn't run jobs, it requires another driver to actually process jobs.

It currently only works with MySQL as a native query is required to find jobs in a concurrency safe way.


You should run the daemon for delay in addition to any other daemons you are using. This runner simply moves jobs from Doctrine into your other job queues. Because its not doing much work generally a single instance can cope with a high number of jobs.

./bin/console mcfedr:queue:{name}-runner

Where {name} is what you used in the config. Add -v or more to get detailed logs.


            driver: doctrine_delay
                entity_manager: default
                default_manager: default
                default_manager_options: []

This will create a QueueManager service named "mcfedr_queue_manager.delay".

  • entity_manager - Doctrine entity manager to use.
  • default_manager - Default job processor.
  • default_manager_options - Default options to pass to job processor put.

Supported options to QueueManager::put

  • time - A \DateTime object of when to schedule this job.
  • delay - Number of seconds from now to schedule this job.
  • force_delay - A boolean that forces the job to be delayed by the specified number of seconds.
  • manager - Use a different job processor for this job.
  • manager_options - Options to pass to the processors put method.


If delay or time option is less then 30 seconds the job will be scheduled for immediate execution unless the force_delay option is set to true


After you have installed you will need to do a schema update so that the table of delayed tasks is created.

Additional options

These are the defaults for a number of other options.

    retry_limit: 3
    sleep_seconds: 5
    report_memory: false
    doctrine_reset: true
Option Means
retry_limit The number of times a job will be retried when it fails, unless it throws UnrecoverableJobExceptionInterface
sleep_seconds When a queue doesnt have any jobs it will wait this long before checking again
report_memory Enable a listener that reports current memory usage between each job, useful for debugging leaks
doctrine_reset This listener will reset doctrine connect between jobs. Be careful with your memory usage if disabled.


To avoid memory leaks entity manager is being reset after job execution.

Resetting a non-lazy manager service is deprecated since Symfony 3.2 and will throw an exception in version 4.0. So if you use Symfony 3.2 or greater you need to install symfony/proxy-manager-bridge to support Lazy Services.

composer require proxy-manager-bridge


You can access the QueueManagerRegistry for simple access to your queue. Just inject QueueManagerRegistry::class and call put to add new jobs to the queue.

Also, each manager will be a service you can access with the name "mcfedr_queue_manager.$name". It implements the QueueManager interface, where you can call just 2 simple methods.

 * Put a new job on a queue
 * @param string $name The service name of the worker that implements {@link \Mcfedr\QueueManagerBundle\Queue\Worker}
 * @param array $arguments Arguments to pass to execute - must be json serializable
 * @param array $options Options for creating the job - these depend on the driver used
public function put(string $name, array $arguments = [], array $options = []): Job

 * Remove a job, you should call this to cancel a job
 * @param $job
 * @throws WrongJobException
 * @throws NoSuchJobException
public function delete(Job $job): void;


Jobs to run are Symfony services that implement Mcfedr\QueueManagerBundle\Queue\Worker There is one method, that is called with the arguments you passed to QueueManager::put.

 * Called to start the queued task
 * @param array $arguments
 * @throws \Exception
public function execute(array $arguments): void;

If your job throws an exception it will be retried (assuming the driver supports retrying), unless the exception thrown is an instance of UnrecoverableJobExceptionInterface.

Workers should be tagged with mcfedr_queue_manager.worker, if you are using autowiring this will happen automatically.

By default the job name is the class, but you can also add tags with specific ids, e.g.

  - { name: 'mcfedr_queue_manager.worker', id: 'test_worker' }

Now you can schedule this job with both:

$queueManager->put(Worker::class, ...)
$queueManager->put('test_worker', ...)


A number of events are triggered during the running of jobs.

Name Event Object
mcfedr_queue_manager.job_start StartJobEvent
mcfedr_queue_manager.job_finished FinishedJobEvent
mcfedr_queue_manager.job_failed FailedJobEvent
mcfedr_queue_manager.job_batch_start StartJobBatchEvent
mcfedr_queue_manager.job_batch_finished FinishedJobBatchEvent

Creating your own driver

Firstly a driver needs to implement a QueueManager. This should put tasks into queues.

The options argument can be used to accept any extra parameters specific to your implementation. For example, this might include a delay or a priority if you support that.

You also need to create a Job class, many drivers can just extend AbstractJob but you can add any extra data you need.

Creating a runner

Many drivers can use the RunnerCommand as a base, implementing the getJob method.

Other queue servers have their own runners, in which case you need to write the code such that the correct worker is called. The service mcfedr_queue_manager.job_executor can help with this.