This repository contains the FosterFramework.Extensions.Scenes source code.
Introduction • Installation • Usage • Documentation • Samples
This FosterFramework.Extensions.Scenes
library provides simple api to implements scenes managment in your FosterFramework
dotnet add package FosterFramework.Extensions.Scenes
- Clone the project
git clone
- Add a reference to the cloned project
Sample code that shows how to use the library:
ScenesManager scenesManager = new();
scenesManager.SwitchToScene(new Scene1());
The other available methods are described in the next section.
To use the library, you must follow these three steps
A scene is just a class which will be updated and rendered at each frame. It's supposed to have all the logic of a GameState of your game (ex: Setting, Title screen, Gameplay, ...)
To create a scene just inihirit from the base Scene class and implements the Update and Render methods.
internal class TitleScene : Scene
public static readonly string FontsPath = Path.Combine("Content", "Fonts");
public static readonly SpriteFont _titleFont = new(Path.Combine(FontsPath, "Poppins-Black.ttf"), 38);
public string Title { get; }
public Vector2 TitlePosition { get; }
public TitleScene(string title, string message)
Title = title;
TitlePosition = new Vector2((App.Width - _titleFont.WidthOfLine(Title)) * 0.5f, App.Height * 0.5f - _titleFont.HeightOf(Title));
public override void Render()
Batch.Text(_titleFont, Title, TitlePosition, Color.White);
Impletent a new Game Module and initialize a ScenesManager.
internal class GameRoot : Module
private readonly ScenesManager _scenesManager = new();
public override void Update()
public override void Render()
Call the method SwitchToScene
, and the ScenesManager
will update and render your scene at each frame.
internal class GameRoot : Module
private readonly ScenesManager _scenesManager = new();
public override void Startup()
_scenesManager.SwitchToScene(new TitleScene()); // Swicth to your scene
public override void Update()
public override void Render()
You can add transitions when switching to your scene by passing a transition object in method SwitchToScene
public override void Startup()
_scenesManager.SwitchToScene(new TitleScene(), new ColorFadeTransition(Color.White, 1f, Ease.QuadOut)); // Swicth to your scene using a transition
: Blend your screen to aColor
and then the next screen from thisColor
A samples project is included in the repository, you can found it here