This acts_as_conversable plugin provides mixin conversation functionality for any model.
install plugin
./script/plugin install git://
or use git submodule
git submodule add git:// vendor/plugins/acts_as_conversable
generate migration files
./script/generate conversable
run migrations
rake db:migrate
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
Generate some users that want to converse (these are whatever model(s) you mark acts_as_conversable)
@user_one = User.create!(:name => 'George')
@user_two = User.create!(:name => 'Gracie')
Create a conversation
@conversation = Conversation.create!(:subject => 'This weekend')
Invite users to participate in the conversation
@conversation_participant_one = ConversationParticipant.create!(:conversation => @conversation, :participant => @user_one)
@conversation_participant_two = ConversationParticipant.create!(:conversation => @conversation, :participant => @user_two)
List conversations your users are a part of
>> @user_one.conversations
=> [#<Conversation id: 1, subject: "This weekend", created_at: "2009-07-21 16:47:50", updated_at: "2009-07-21 16:47:50">]
Create a message within a conversation, and choose the message sender and the recipient
@message = Message.create!(:conversation => @conversation, :body => "Let's go for a hike.", :sender => @user_one, :receiver => @user_two)
List a user's sent messages
>> @user_one.sent_messages
=> [#<Message id: 1, conversation_id: 1, subject: nil, body: "Let's go for a hike.", sender_id: 1, sender_type: "User", receiver_id: 2, receiver_type: "User", created_at: "2009-07-21 17:23:22", updated_at: "2009-07-21 17:23:22">]
List a user's received messages
>> @user_two.received_messages
=> [#<Message id: 1, conversation_id: 1, subject: nil, body: "Let's go for a hike.", sender_id: 1, sender_type: "User", receiver_id: 2, receiver_type: "User", created_at: "2009-07-21 17:23:22", updated_at: "2009-07-21 17:23:22">]
List all the message for a given user's conversation
>> @user_one.conversations[0].messages
[#<Message id: 1, conversation_id: 1, subject: nil, body: "Let's go for a hike.", sender_id: 1, sender_type: "User", receiver_id: 2, receiver_type: "User", created_at: "2009-07-21 17:23:22", updated_at: "2009-07-21 17:23:22">, #<Message id: 2, conversation_id: 1, subject: nil, body: "Sounds like a date!", sender_id: 2, sender_type: "User", receiver_id: 1, receiver_type: "User", created_at: "2009-07-21 17:54:14", updated_at: "2009-07-21 17:54:14">]
Add the ability to create messages with multiple recipients
Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Bulat, released under the MIT license