Tools to install and configure SUSE Manager Hub.
Files: /opt/uyunihub/ /opt/uyunihub/ /opt/uyunihub/smconfig.yaml /srv/formula_metadata/uyunihub/form.yml /srv/formula_metadata/uyunihub/metadata.yml /srv/salt/uyunihub/uyunihub.sls /srv/salt/uyunihub/ /srv/salt/uyunihub/ /srv/salt/uyunihub/ /
- download the files and copy to the hub-master
- populate file
with the needed properties - Run /opt/uyunihub/ is their are only SUSE Manager Server registered to this master. If not, enter the systemgroup name as parameter (eg hub-slaves)
- In the GUI of the SUSE Manager HUB master, create a systemgroup (eg hub-slaves)
- Under the tab Formulas select Uyunihub
- There will be a new tab with the name Uyunihub and fill in all the information.
- If there are already hub slaves, add them to the system group
- Install a new SUSE Manager Server
- Register the server against the SUSE Manager HUB master as a salt minion
- Configure the SUSE Manager Server via yast susemanager_setup
- On the SUSE Manager HUB server:
- Add the system to the above created systemgroup.
- On the systemgroup details page go to the tab Formulas and select sub-tab Uyunihub
- Add the new server as slave and, if needed, add any extra base channels the hub-slave should receive
- Perform a high state on the new SUSE Manager hub slave
- Create a cron job to run the script /opt/uyunihub/ daily. Or if you want weekly. This script will sync the bootstrap repositories to all systems.
- Create a cron job to run the script /opt/uyunihub/ daily. Or if you want weekly. This script will update the /srv/formula_metadata/uyunihub/form.yml with actual data. This should also run after installing these tools.
- example:
- The job will run every day and will update all salt configuration channels. The highstate will create a cron job for this. This will be logged to /var/log/rhn/uyunihub/update_config_channels.log
- The job will normally only run during a highstate. When channels to be synchronized are changed (currently only adding, see below), a highstate has to be performed on all slaves. This highstate will update the uyunihub.yaml and execute this script. Every night, taskomatic will synchronize all assigned channels automatically. This will be logged to /var/log/rhn/uyunihub/sync_software.log.
- The job will normally only run during a highstate and only the first time. This will be logged to /var/log/rhn/uyunihub/register_slave.log
- Software channels and configuration channels are not been removed via the formula.
- revision numbers of init.sls can not be set using the API. They will be reported as to be changed on every run of
- revision numbers of none init.sls can not be set using the API on creation. During the next change, the revision will be updated. They will be reported as to be changed on every run of