check-html-validation uses a WEB SERVICE, (since this uses This also means that check-html will return async as a promise. This seems to return much better results than grunt-htmllint (which does not use a webservice). So consider that when deciding whether to add this to an automated build.
- logResults defaults to true (and prints pretty errors!)
- suppressRegex is an array of regex. any errors or warnings that match will be suppressed
- dir - directory to find html files recursive
- files - html files to validate
const checkHtml = require('check-html-validation');
checkHtml({ files: someFiles, dir: someDir, logResults: false).then((data) => {
// do something with data
dir: someDir,
suppressRegex: [
/The value of the “for” attribute of the “label” element must be the ID/,
/Empty heading/,
/Element “li” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context/
}).then((data) => {
// do something with data
// data: { results: Result[] }
// Result: { messages: Message[], parseError: Error, filePath: string, fileName: string }
// Message: { "type": "error" | "warning",
// "lastLine": number,
// "firstLine": number,
// "lastColumn": number,
// "firstColumn": number,
// "message": string,
// "extract": string,
// "hiliteStart": number,
// "hiliteLength": number
// }
const checkHtml = require('check-html-validation');
grunt.registerTask('checkHtml', () => {
let done = this.async();
dir: someDir,
suppressRegex: [
/The value of the “for” attribute of the “label” element must be the ID/,
/Empty heading/,
/Element “li” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context/
}).then((data) => {