This repository contains monitoring-related (like Prometheus, grafana, etc,) artifacts like helm charts/ YAMLs. The goal of this repository is to provide an easy to setup monitoring stack for OpenEBS.
This repository will aggregate all the monitoring related artifacts that are currently spread across multiple repositories like:
Pre-alpha. Under active development.
Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.
Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:
helm repo add openebs-monitoring
You can then run helm search repo openebs-monitoring
to see the charts.
Please visit the link for install instructions via helm3.
# Helm
helm install [RELEASE_NAME] openebs-monitoring/openebs-monitoring --namespace [NAMESPACE] --create-namespace
See helm install for command documentation.
helm install [RELEASE_NAME] openebs-monitoring/openebs-monitoring -n [PROMETHEUS-STACK-NAMESPACE] --set kube-prometheus-stack.install=false, openebsMonitoringAddon.enabled=true
Please visit the link for more detailed instructions.
# Look at the grafana pod and check that the pod is in running state
kubectl get pods -n [NAMESPACE] | grep -i grafana
# Note the public IP of any one of the nodes
kubectl get nodes -o wide
# Open browser and visit http://<NodeIp>:<NodePort> (where <NodeIp> is the public IP address of your node, and default Grafana <NodePort> is 32515)
# Default Grafana login credentials- [username: admin, password: admin]
NOTE: If public IP is not available then you can access it via port-forwarding
# Perform port-forwarding
kubectl port-forward --namespace [NAMESPACE] pods/[grafana-pod-name] 32515:3000
# Open browser and visit
# Default Grafana login credentials- [username: admin, password: admin]
The detailed chart documentation is available in openebs-monitoring directory.
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