Wifi enabled scale that uploads the user's weight to a server of their choice.
Project page: https://articles.maximemoreillon.com/articles/160
Note to people intending to make their own: Choose the pins for the display carefully. Some libraries require specific pins to be used.
- Arduino IDE with support for ESP8266
- IoT Kernel
- PubSubClient
- ESPAsyncWebServer
- Q2-HX711-Arduino-Library
- esp8266-oled-ssd1306
Calibration is done using the MAPPING_RAW_LOW, MAPPING_RAW_HIGH, MAPPING_HG_LOW and MAPPING_HG_HIGH defines in scale_config.h such that:
- MAPPING_RAW_LOW is the raw reading of the HX711 when MAPPING_HG_LOW hectograms are on the scale.
- MAPPING_RAW_HIGH is the raw reading of the HX711 when MAPPING_HG_HIGH hectograms are on the scale.
- Wemos D1 Mini
- HX711 load cell amplifier
- SSD1306 OLED display