At least one stateless and one stateful EJB session bean [v] -> Stateful bean: Cart aanpassen
At least one Singleton bean [v] -> featured pokemon
At least one interceptor -> Logger
At least one timer [v] -> featured pokemon
A SOAP web service [v] -> Pokemon returner
A RESTFul web service [] -> Pokemon returner
A few entity beans, with at least a one-to-many [v] and a many-to-many [v] relationship -> one to many groups (Vincent) -> many to many: evolves into and type
Corresponding tables [v]
Some "special" JPA annotations (make a selection yourself) [] (@Enumerated [v] --@Elementcollection-- --@Inheritance-- @Embeddable/@Embedded [~])
One Servlet [v]
One Filter [v]
Framework: the choice is up to you [~]
- Page flow []
- Form & validation & business logic []
- Web framework evaluation: use the template (MVC.html) to fill in your findings [] -> Vincent
Web service clients
One client for your own web services
- One SOAP client [v]
- One client for the RESTFul service (Json or XML) [] -> Same as above
One client for another web service, somewhere... [v] -> pokéapi