Telegram notificator for Alertmanager
- Bot token
- Chat id (one or more)
- Alertmanager URL
- Time to set silence
- Delay between messages
- Check alerts interval
Sending alerts by one
Button, which allows you to set silence (by instance and alertname values) and expire it then
No need to type /start or something to launch, it will send messages to until it is alive
Use /users to get list of users
To get chat id of any user, just forward a message of this user to bot
- name: 'promegram'
- send_resolved: true
url: <url:port>
If you have multiple recievers, do not set 'group_by' directive for promegram - bot works faster without that
Promegram use summary field, so use it for some kind of message templating.
- alert: HostIsDown
expr: up == 0
severity: warning
"Job: {{ $labels.job }}
\nHost: {{ $labels.instance }}
\nMessage: Host is unavailable
\nMetric value: {{ $value }}"
version: '3.1'
image: maxemontio/promegram:latest
container_name: promegram
hostname: promegram
restart: always
- 8088:8088
- ALERTMANAGERURL=http://<address>:<port> # dont set to disable buttons
- TOKEN=<bot token> # botfather will tell you
- USERS=<chat id> # one or more user or group chat ids, but it is better to use ony user chat ids because of
- SILENCETIME=1 # minimum one hour, set 0 to disable buttons
- MSGDELAYMS=50 # more than 1000 to GROUP chat and LESS than 20 messages per minute; more then 30 to SINGLE USER chat
- CHECKINTERVALS=10 # checkIntervalS * 1000 > msgDelayMs * max count of alerts you are recieving, otherwise 429 errors
SILENCETIME - for how many hours silence will be set. Minimum value is 1.
Make a POST request to promegram to test alerting:
"summary":"Job: testPromegram \nHost: testPromegram:9100 \nMessage: Test message \nMetric value: 0"
"status": "resolved",
"alerts": [
"status": "resolved",
"labels": {
"alertname": "testPromegram",
"instance": "testPromegram:9100",
"job": "testPromegram",
"severity": "warning"
"annotations": {
"summary": "Job: testPromegram \nHost: testPromegram:9100 \nMessage: Resolved message text \nMetric value: 1"
"startsAt": "2020-01-01T10:00:00.0Z",
"endsAt": "2020-01-02T12:15:32.0Z"