Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS.
- Problem statement: Build a model to automatically analyze mass spectrometry data collected for Mars exploration in order to help scientists in their analysis of understanding the past habitability of Mars.
- Type: Multi-Label Classification
- Host: NASA
- Platform: Drivendata
- Competition link:
- Placement: Top 3% (23/713)
- Differences between XGBoost, LightGBM and CatBoost
- Tree methods don´t care about outliers
- Decision-Tree based models still beat deep learning models, when working with tabular data
- How to use Optuna for hyperparameter search
- A solution can be worked out within a small windows (1 week)
- Binary relevence method to solve multi-label classification problems (similar to OvA & OvR)
- XGBoost, LightGBM and CatBoost are non-deterministic. You have to do multiple hypermeter searches to find best parameters
- Try out different approaches to solve multi-label classification
- Use weighted ensembles for each label. Weight depends on performance of classifier
- Try out under-/oversampling
- More details on model performance to spot underfitting/overfitting