Python ROS2 pointcloud retriever for IWR6843AOPEVM mmWave device
Derived from:
Another example:
- ROS2 (Ubuntu 18.04.5 & dashing tested // Ubuntu 20.04.3 & foxy tested)
- Python3 (3.6.9 & 3.8.10 tested)
- IWR6843AOPEVM (ES2) mmWave radar device flashed with out-of-box firmware (either from this repo or inside downloaded mmwave_industrial_toolbox_x_x_x/labs/Out_Of_Box_Demo/prebuilt_binaries/ folder. Use uniflash to flash EVM ( Set up switches as seen here:
- Clone the repo to workspace
cd ~/ros2_ws/src/
git clone
- Colcon build package
cd ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build --packages-select iwr6843aop_pub
Plug in IWR6843AOPEVM, make sure CLI and data ports match (default /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1)
Run ros package (make sure /opt/ros/dashing/setup.bash and <ros2_workspace>/install/setup.bash are sourced)
ros2 run iwr6843aop_pub pcl_pub
example with ROS2 parameters:
ros2 run iwr6843aop_pub pcl_pub --ros-args -p cli_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 -p data_port:=/dev/ttyUSB1 -p cfg_path:=/home/nm/ros2_ws/src/iwr6843aop_pub/cfg_files/90deg_noGroup_18m_30Hz.cfg
Launch example with default parameters:
ros2 launch iwr6843aop_pub
When loading a cfg with a different antenna configuration than the previous, IWR6843AOP device must be power cycled - can be done easily by pressing the RST_SW switch, or simply unplugging and replugging the USB cable.
Visualize with rviz
'Add' a new display (lower left corner)
Select 'By topic' ribbon
Find 'iwr6843_pcl PointCloud2' and add it
Edit 'Fixed Frame' to 'iwr6843_frame'. (use a 'static_transform_publisher' to transform to another frame)
(Optional) Set point size at PointCloud2 -> Size (m) to 0.1 for better clarity
All functional code (for the purpose of this ROS package) is located at
A number of .cfg files are provided which dictate the functionality of the mmWave device. More profiles can be made with the mmWave Demo Visualizer tool: