Offline Raspberry Pi Captive Portal / Physical Web Space inspired by Anyfesto Pi.
wget --no-check-certificate
sudo bash
- Raspberry Pi Zero W, Raspberry Pi 3, or Raspberry Pi 2 with Redbear WifiHat
- 16GB Micro SD Card
- Latest version of Raspbian Lite (Tested on Raspbian Stretch Lite)
- A Windows, OSX or Linux machine to write the Raspbian Lite image and activate ssh and setup wifi
- An internet connection
- SSH client to run the script after first boot
Download latest version of Raspbian Lite:
Unzip and write the downloaded image to an SD Card (ie. using Etcher, etc) Instructions:
After the image has been written to the SD Card, eject the card and re-insert.
Insert SD Card and list all visible drives
Once the SD card has been mounted (or automounted) open up the /boot partition on the card
Create a blank file called SSH on the /boot partition of the SD card to make sure SSH is active on first boot.
For example:
cd /media/{your-username}/boot
Create the ssh file
sudo touch ssh
Create a file on the /boot partition called "wpa_supplicant.conf" Put your wifi details to make the raspberry pi connect to the internet / your router after the first boot (ie. headless mode).
Example wpa_supplicant.conf:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
ssid="Your network SSID"
psk="Your WPA/WPA2 security key"
Unmount the SD Card and insert the card into a Raspberry Pi
If you're connected to a screen and have a keyboard plugged into your Pi skip to step 9
If you're connecting to the Pi via SSH wait till your router registers the Pi as a client. Log into your router and find out the ip address of the raspberry pi. Once you've deteremined the ip of the Pi on your network ssh into the device.
Login to the Pi and download the install script:
wget --no-check-certificate
Run the script as super user (sudo):
sudo bash
Once the script completes, reboot the Pi and you should see a wifi SSID called "picaptiveportal"