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Android SDK Utils

This is a library that contains utilities which are useful when developing Android SDKs. They are intended for use internally by Rakuten's SDKs.

This page covers


1. Add dependency to build.gradle

Add to your build.gradle:

repositories {

dependency {
  implementation "io.github.rakutentech.sdkutils:sdk-utils:$version"

2. Set initialization order (optional)

⚠️ This SDK uses a ContentProvider in order to automatically initialize. It is not recommended to override the default value set for initOrder. However, you may need to set it if you are facing an Exception when trying to use features of this SDK at launch time. If you are also using a ContentProvider in your App or you are developing an SDK which uses a ContentProvider to automatically initialize, then you may need to manually set the initOrder for this SDK so that it is initialized first. This can be set in AndroidManifest.xml:

    <!-- The `initOrder` for this SDK is set to `9999` by default. -->
    <!-- ⚠️ It is not recommended to override the `initOrder`, however, if you need to manually set it, make sure that it is initialized before your own ContentProvider. -->
      android:initOrder="9999" />


OkHttp Header Interceptor

This library contains an extension function for OkHttpClient.Builder so you can more easily add headers to all network requests which are made using that client.

private val client = OkHttpClient.Builder()
        "header_name" to "header_value",
        "another_header" to "another_value"

Application Info

The AppInfo class can be used to retrieve some properties of the App which normally require a Context to retrieve. This class is automatically initialized, so no Context needs to be provided.

val appName =
val appVersion = AppInfo.instance.version

Logging Utility

This library contains a simple logging facility.

Logging conventions are:

  • Debug: for SDK developers. Will print source file, method and line.
  • Info: for SDK consumers. They should know, but is no problem.
  • Warn: for SDK consumers. An unexpected situation, that the SDK can recover from.
  • Error: for SDK consumers: An error that may cause the SDK to stop working.

By default only info, warn and error are logged. Debug is only logged if loggerInstance.setDebug(true) is called.

The level of the stack trace to be logged is set by default to 5 (it's the trace level of the running thread when SDKUtils is implemented in an application). You may need to upgrade the level using loggerInstance.setDebugLevel(yourLevel) if SDKUtils is implemented in another SDK.

private val log = Logger(TAG)

All log calls come in 2 variants:

  • log(String template, Object.. args) - will use String.format to format the string.
  • log(Throwable cause, String template, Object.. args) - same as above, but will add a "Caused by" and stacktrace to the log.
private val log = Logger(

//enable debug logs (by default only info, warn and error are logged)

log.debug("simple debug log") // simple debug log  
log.debug("simple debug log at %s", listOf(Date())) // simple debug log at [Mon Dec 20 16:51:12 GMT+09:00 2021]

Preferences Utility

Please check the following sample code to use the preferences utility feature for caching data.

// We can put int, string, float, long, string set and boolean to cache in preferences
PreferencesUtil.putString(appContext, preferencesFileName, key, value)

// We can get int, string, float, long, string set and boolean to retrieve from preferences
PreferencesUtil.getString(appContext, preferencesFileName, key, defaultValue)

Json Utility

This utility can be used to convert a JSON string loaded from app resources to an equivalent object.


//deserializes a Json loaded from app resources into a generic type object.
val path = "my-file.json"
val devices: List<Device>? = gson.fromResources(path, object: TypeToken<List<Device>>(){}.type)

//deserializes a Json loaded from app resources into an object.
val path = "my-file.json"
val device: Device? = gson.fromResources(path,

Common Utility

Please check the following sample code to use the extension function (s).

// To check the device mode setting, i.e. dark/ light

// To check the play service of device

// To get the Sha256 digest data

// To get the MD5 digest data

Please see StringExtension and ContextExtension classes for available APIs.

Networking Utility

See the following networking utility classes and extension functions for easier usage of networking framework.

  • NetworkUtil: a class that queries network connectivity state and capabilities.

    // Init
    // Wrap in try-catch block since exception can be thrown when network callback registration fails.
    val networkUtil = NetworkUtil(context)
    try {
    } catch (ex: Exception) {
      // Call any error callback if needed.
    // Check whether device has network connectivity
    // Get network capabilities
  • HttpCallback: a Callback Class that communicate the remote server response.

    // by using an HttpCallback object:
       { response ->  ... },{ exception ->  ... }
    //or by using a lambda function:
    //1- create your function e.g.
    fun get(success: (response: Response) -> Unit, failure: (exception: Exception) -> Unit) {
        val request = Request.Builder().url(url).build()
        client.newCall(request).enqueue(HttpCallback(success, failure))
    // 2- get the response
    get({ response = it  ... }, { exception = it  ... })
  • Kotlin extension to get a reference of Retrofit

    //Get a reference of Retrofit using the default parameters 
    val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder().build("your_baseUrl")
    // Get a reference of Retrofit using your personalysed parameter(s) 
    val okHttpClient: OkHttpClient = your_httpClient
    val gsonConverterFactory: GsonConverterFactory = your_converterFactory
    val executor: ExecutorService = your_executor
    val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder().build("your_baseUrl", okHttpClient gsonConverterFactory, executor)

Event Logger

A remote troubleshooting utility which helps to track or send important events to a remote API server. This is intended to be used internally by Rakuten's SDKs.

  • configure: Sets the server configuration and other initialization processing. Call this as early as possible in the application lifecycle, such as onCreate or other initialization methods. Calling other APIs without calling this API has no effect.

    Parameter Description Datatype Required?
    context Application context Context Yes
    apiUrl Non-empty server API URL String Yes
    apiKey Non-empty server API Key String Yes
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // API: configure
        EventLogger.configure(this, "my-api-url", "my-api-key")
  • send*Event: Logs an event and sends to server based on criticality.

    Parameter Description Datatype Required?
    sourceName Non-empty source of the event, e.g. "sdkutils" String Yes
    sourceVersion Non-empty source' version, e.g. "2.0.0" String Yes
    errorCode Non-empty source' error code or HTTP backend response code e.g. "500" String Yes
    errorMessage Non-empty description of the error. Make it as descriptive as possible, for example, the stacktrace of an exception String Yes
    info Optional parameter to attach other useful key-value pair, such as filename, method, line number, etc. Map No
    // API: sendCriticalEvent
    // Logs a critical event, wherein the unique event will be sent to the server immediately.
        sourceName = "sdkutils",
        sourceVersion = "2.0.0",
        errorCode = "XXX",
        errorMessage = "java.lang.ArithmeticException: divide by zero
                        at com.rakuten.test.MainActivityFragment.onViewCreated(MainActivityFragment.kt:58)
        info = mapOf("filename" to "MyFile.kt")
    // API: sendWarningEvent
    // Logs a warning event, which will be sent at a later time based on TTL.
        sourceName = "sdkutils",
        sourceVersion = "2.0.0",
        errorCode = "YYY",
        errorMessage = "Incorrect credentials",
        info = mapOf("filename" to "MyFile.kt")
  • Changelog

    v2.2.0 (2024-05-14)

    • SDKCF-6859: Added EventLogger feature which sends events to a remote API server. It is intended to be used internally by Rakuten's SDKs. See Event Logger section for details.

    v2.1.1 (2022-08-04)

    • SDKCF-5737: Reverted Logger constructor to single parameter.

    v2.1.0 (2022-08-02)

    • SDKCF-5307: Added version string resource which can be referenced by the name sdk_utils__version.
    • SDKCF-4921: Added support for building with Java 11.

    v2.0.0 (2022-06-23)

    • SDKCF-5390: Breaking Changes: Moved setDebugLevel() and setDebug() APIs from static to Logger class APIs. This will allow multiple SDK app dependencies to have their own debug logging configuration.
      • Deprecated Logger.setDebugLevel() and Logger.setDebug() static APIs. These APIs will no longer work but not removed to avoid crashes on incompatible SDK versions.

    v1.2.0 (2022-05-19)

    • SDKCF-5292: Set initOrder of the content provider to a high value to make sure that it is initialized before the host app ContentProvider.

    v1.1.0 (2022-03-17)

    • SDKCF-4887: Added NetworkUtil for checking network connectivity and capabilities. Please see usage section for details.
    • SDKCF-5015: Fixed test library dependency as normal API dependency.

    v1.0.0 (2022-02-07)

    • SDKCF-4686: Added SharedPreferences handling and App/Env Info retrieval utilities. Please see usage section for details.
    • SDKCF-4685: Added Logging facility and Json deserializer utility. Please see Logging Utility and JSON Utility sections for details.
    • SDKCF-4688: Added String and Context class extension to SDKUtils. Please see usage section for details.
    • SDKCF-4687: Added APIs for networking facility. Please see usage section for details.

    v0.2.0 (2021-03-05)

    • Changed Maven Group ID to io.github.rakutentech.sdkutils. You must upudate your dependency declaration to io.github.rakutentech.sdkutils:sdk-utils:0.2.0
    • Migrated publishing to Maven Central due to Bintray/JCenter being shutdown. You must add mavenCentral() to your `repositories``.

    v0.1.1 (2019-11-29)

    • Changed Device OS header from ras-device-os to ras-os-version.

    v0.1.0 (2019-11-22)

    • Initial release.


Android library with utilities for SDK developers







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