Web app for learning using cards.
You can try it out on live server
Not secure using hardcoded usernames and password
You must have docker installed
For it to work on localhost it's best to disable cors restriction.
git clone https://github.com/matyash12/learning-cards.git
cd learning-cards
chmod +x build.sh
./build.sh -example
- Create new
- Set pipeline definition to
Pipeline script from SCM
- Set SCM to
- Set repository url to
- Set Branches to build to
- Add .env to credentials as
(copy and change .env.example) - Add application.properties to credentials as
(copy and change backend/src/main/resources/application_example.properties) - Add manifest.json to credentials as
(just copy frontend/src/manifest.json) - Click run
Note: autogerated
You can view and test api on Postman Postman public docs
Progressive Web App
Open app and in search bar click on .
- Click share
- Scroll down and click
Add to Home Screen
- Spring boot, security
- Docker
- Vue
- Bulma
- Jenkins
- Github actions
- Postman
- I had to learn many technologies on the way.
- Passwords are stored hashed using salt (Unique salt for each password).
- If account managment is slow try to adjust hashing algorithm (PasswordUtils.java)
- Disable Cross-Origin restrictions