Curated list of various vulnerable by design applications
Online vulnerable app and CTFs
Paid tranining courses
About this section. Optional. Keep this short and focus on the list.
- Owasp Juice shop
- DVWA - Damn Vulnerable Web Application
- bWAPP, or a buggy web application
- Xtreme Vulnerable Web Application
- DVRF - Damn Vulnerable Router Firmware
- Damn Vulnerable Bank
- CloudGoat
- CdkGoat - Vulnerable AWS CDK Infra
- Cfngoat - Vulnerable Cloudformation Template
- TerraGoat - Vulnerable Terraform Infra
- leaky-repo
- DVNA - Damn Vulneable NodeJS Application
- dvws - Damn Vulnerable Web Services
- Metasploitable3
- CORS-vulnerable-Lab
- SSRF_Vulnerable_Lab
- xxelab
- exploit-workshop
- Yet Another Vulnerability Database
- Extreme Vulnerable Node Application
- OWASP Mutillidae II
- xssed
- wavsep
- Kubernetes Goat
- caponeme - Capital One Breach
- clicker-service - simulate XSS
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