CircoTax is an R function for that exploits the radial capabilities of ggplot2 for the representation of differential abundance analyses on microbiota data.
The file CircoTax_tutorial.pdf provides a guide on how to use the CircoTax package.
Specific flavors of CircoTax has been developed to facilitate its usage:
CircoTax.R is the basic function that can manages data files such exmaple_complete_data.txt
CircoTax_custom.R is a simpler version that manages data files such exmaple_custom_data.txt
CircoTax_DESeq2.R and CircoTax_ALDEx2.R load data from files such as example_data.RData
The latter two functions implement a differential abundance analysis (with two differnt R packages, namely DESeq2 and ALDEx2) and automatically create the CircoTax plot.
The file CircoTax_tutorial_AutoDA.R contains an explained working script on how to set up the diferential abundance analyses implemented in CircoTax.