Officially sanctioned worker images for Octopus Deploy available on docker hub
See the docs to get started using a worker-tools image as an execution container for workers.
To run these tests, you can see the instructions for Ubuntu and Windows
N.B. all commands below should be run from the project root directory.
Our tests are implemented in serverspec
, which relies on ruby
and rspec
./ --image-directory=`ubuntu.18.04`
Runs a build and test of the ubuntu.18.04
cd ubuntu.18.04
docker build . -t worker-tools
docker build . -t worker-tools-tests -f Tests.Dockerfile --build-arg ContainerUnderTest=worker-tools
docker run -it -v `pwd`:/app worker-tools-tests
Then within the running docker container
cd app && bundle install && bundle exec rspec
build.ps1 -image-directory 'windows.ltsc2019'
Runs a build and test of the windows.ltsc2019
cd windows.ltsc2019
docker build . -t worker-tools
docker build . -t worker-tools-tests -f Tests.Dockerfile --build-arg ContainerUnderTest=worker-tools
docker run -it -v ${pwd}:c:\app worker-tools-tests powershell
Then within the running docker container
cd c:\app
Invoke-Pester spec\windows.ltsc2019* -EnableExit