This repository hosts code for the future of templating
$ tmpl8 -h
usage: tmpl8 [-h] [-v] [-d DATA] [-f FILE] command
tmpl8 wrapper for cli commands
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
command command to run
data used when templating
-d DATA, --data DATA json data for templating. Overwrites data from file if -f/--file is specified
-f FILE, --file FILE file with data to use for templating
$ tmpl8 -d '{"test": "data"}' kubectl apply -f file.yml
Running 'kubectl apply -f /tmp/dir/file.yml'
<output from kubectl command>
$ tmpl8 -f test.json docker build -t test:latest -f Dockerfile .
Running 'docker build -t test:latest -f /tmp/dir/Dockerfile /tmp/dir'
<output from docker build>
# Install dev packages
pip install -e .[dev]
# Check for correct installation
pre-commit --version
# Install git hook scripts
pre-commit install
# Run unit tests
pytest tests