AdaptiveInterpolator by Jeff Gaston
AdaptiveInterpolater was created to predict the value of a function based on example data. It's essentially an R tree that predicts each value to be the average of the points in its box.
Interesting attributes of AdaptiveInterpolator:
- It adjusts how far to split a node based on how good the predictions are.
When predictions are good, then noise is small, and there are more splits and better predictions.
When predictions are bad, then noise is large, and there are fewer splits so we can better estimate the noise.
- It evaluates dimension values lazily
This can help when computing the value of a specific dimension is expensive.
AdaptiveInterpolator can handle thousands of dimensions and tens of thousands of datapoints on a phone in under a second
- Each split is a vote of several dimensions
- This can help when individual dimensions are independently noisy.