Mathias Bellat 2024-10-22
This is an introduction course to R language applied for Physical Geographical science in GEO77 teaching.
This course will help you with the basis of R language and first uses of Machine Learning.
General info:
- Name and email: Mathias Bellat Ph.D. candidate, SFB1070 ResourcesCultures, Working group geomorphology and soil sciences. Email : [email protected].
- Dates: 22/10, 29/10, 5/11 and 12/11
- Language: English.
- Working time: 4 hours during class and around 3 - 4 hours weekly at home (extra readings and exercises).
- Resources: In the “Reference chapter” and on the ILLAS webpage GEO77 with the password “SoilScience”.
- Get basic of R language under RStudio, different type of features, writing an algorithms, importing and exporting data.
- Importing geo-referenced data into R.
- Digital soil mapping of soil properties into different environmental contexts.