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Tragicus committed Jul 18, 2024
1 parent 8262a28 commit 7334546
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Showing 2 changed files with 113 additions and 1 deletion.
25 changes: 24 additions & 1 deletion cylinder.v
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Expand Up @@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ rewrite -coef_map.
by move/leq_sizeP: ifp; apply.

Lemma muniK (n : nat) (A : ringType) : cancel (@muni n A) (@mmulti n A).
(*Lemma muniK (n : nat) (A : ringType) : cancel (@muni n A) (@mmulti n A).
move=> p.
apply/mpolyP => m.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1366,6 +1366,29 @@ Search bigop "0".
Check big_pred0.
rewrite (big_pred1 (m ord_max)).
Search bigop pred1.

Lemma SAconnected_CD_cell n (S : {fset {SAset R ^ n}}) (s : S) :
isCD S -> SAconnected (val s).
elim: n S s => [|n IHn] S s/= [] Spart.
move=> _ u v _ _.
case: (set0Vmem (val s :&: u)) => [-> + _|[] x]; first by rewrite eqxx.
rewrite inSAsetI => /andP[] xs xu _.
case: (set0Vmem (val s :&: v)) => [->|[] y]; first by rewrite eqxx.
rewrite inSAsetI => /andP[] _ xv _ _.
apply/negP => /SAsetP/(_ x).
rewrite !inSAsetI xs xu inSAset0.
suff ->: x = y by rewrite xv.
by apply/rowP; case.
move=> [] SCD.
have sP: SAset_cast n (val s) \in [fset SAset_cast n s0 | s0 in S].
apply/imfsetP; exists (val s) => //.
move=> /(_ [` sP])[] m [] xi [] xicont [] xisort SE.

Theorem cylindrical_decomposition n (P : {fset {mpoly R[n]}}) :
Expand Down
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions semialgebraic.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1912,6 +1912,95 @@ Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ n p := GRing.isZmodule.Build {SAfun F^n -> F^p}
(@SAfun_addA n p) (@SAfun_addC n p) (@SAfun_add0r n p) (@SAfun_addNr n p).

Definition SAmul_graph p : {SAset F^(p + p + p)} :=
[set| \big[And/True]_(i < p) ('X_(p.*2 + i) == 'X_i * 'X_(p + i))].

Lemma SAmul_graphP p (u : 'rV[F]_(p + p)) (v : 'rV[F]_p) :
(row_mx u v \in SAmul_graph p) = (v == \row_i (lsubmx u 0 i * rsubmx u 0 i))%R.
rewrite inE rcf_sat_repr_pi rcf_sat_subst -[_ (ngraph _)]cats0.
rewrite subst_env_iota_catl ?size_ngraph// rcf_sat_forall rowPE.
apply/eq_forallb => /= i.
rewrite !simp_rcf_sat/= enum_ordD map_cat !nth_cat 2!size_map size_enum_ord.
rewrite ltnNge -addnn leq_addr/= subDnCA// subnn addn0.
rewrite (leq_trans (ltn_ord i) (leq_addr _ _))/=.
rewrite ltn_add2l ltn_ord/= -map_comp nth_map_ord.
have iE: i = lshift p i :> nat by [].
rewrite [X in _`_X]iE -map_comp nth_map_ord.
have {}iE: p + i = rshift p i :> nat by [].
by rewrite [X in _`_X]iE nth_map_ord !mxE/= (unsplitK (inr _)) !(unsplitK (inl _)).

Fact SAfun_SAmul p :
(SAmul_graph p \in @SAfunc _ (p + p) p)
&& (SAmul_graph p \in @SAtot _ (p + p) p).
apply/andP; split.
by apply/inSAfunc => x y1 y2; rewrite !SAmul_graphP => /eqP -> /eqP.
apply/inSAtot => x; exists (\row_i (lsubmx x 0 i * rsubmx x 0 i))%R.
by rewrite SAmul_graphP eqxx.

Definition SAmul p := MkSAfun (SAfun_SAmul p).

Lemma SAmulE p (x y : 'rV[F]_p) : SAmul p (row_mx x y) = \row_i (x 0 i * y 0 i)%R.
Proof. by apply/eqP; rewrite inSAfun SAmul_graphP row_mxKl row_mxKr. Qed.

Definition SAfun_mul (n p : nat) (f g : {SAfun F^n -> F^p}) :=
SAcomp (SAmul p) (SAjoin f g).

Lemma SAfun_mulE (n p : nat) (f g : {SAfun F^n -> F^p}) (x : 'rV[F]_n) :
SAfun_mul f g x = \row_i (f x 0 i * g x 0 i)%R.
Proof. by rewrite SAcompE/= SAjoinE SAmulE. Qed.

Definition SAinv_graph n : {SAset F^(n + n)} :=
[set| \big[And/True]_(i < n) ('X_i * 'X_(n + i) == Const 1%R \/ 'X_i == Const 0%R /\ 'X_(n + i) == Const 0%R)].

Lemma SAinv_graphP n (x y : 'rV[F]_n) :
row_mx x y \in SAinv_graph n = (y == \row_i (x 0 i)^-1).
rewrite inE rcf_sat_repr_pi rcf_sat_subst -[_ (ngraph _)]cats0.
rewrite subst_env_iota_catl ?size_ngraph// rcf_sat_forall rowPE.
apply/eq_forallb => /= i.
rewrite !simp_rcf_sat/= enum_ordD map_cat !nth_cat 2!size_map size_enum_ord.
rewrite (ltn_ord i) ltnNge leq_addr/= subDnCA// subnn addn0.
rewrite -map_comp nth_map_ord -map_comp nth_map_ord !mxE/=.
rewrite (unsplitK (inl _)) (unsplitK (inr _)).
have [->|x0] := eqVneq (x 0 i) 0.
by rewrite invr0 mul0r eq_sym oner_eq0/=.
by rewrite orbF -(divff x0) -subr_eq0 -mulrBr mulf_eq0 (negPf x0)/= subr_eq0.

Fact SAfun_SAinv p :
(SAinv_graph p \in @SAfunc _ p p) && (SAinv_graph p \in @SAtot _ p p).
apply/andP; split.
by apply/inSAfunc => x y1 y2; rewrite !SAinv_graphP => /eqP -> /eqP.
by apply/inSAtot => x; exists (\row_i (x 0 i)^-1)%R; rewrite SAinv_graphP eqxx.

Definition SAinv p := MkSAfun (SAfun_SAinv p).

Lemma SAinvE p (x : 'rV[F]_p) : SAinv p x = \row_i (x 0 i)^-1.
Proof. by apply/eqP; rewrite inSAfun SAinv_graphP. Qed.

Definition SAfun_inv n p (f : {SAfun F^n -> F^p}) :=
SAcomp (SAinv p) f.

Lemma SAfun_invE n p (f : {SAfun F^n -> F^p}) (x : 'rV[F]_n) :
SAfun_inv f x = \row_i (f x 0 i)^-1.
Proof. by rewrite SAcompE/= SAinvE. Qed.

Definition SAfun_div (n p : nat) (f g : {SAfun F^n -> F^p}) :=
SAcomp (SAmul p) (SAjoin f (SAcomp (SAinv p) g)).

Lemma SAfun_divE (n p : nat) (f g : {SAfun F^n -> F^p}) (x : 'rV[F]_n) :
SAfun_div f g x = \row_i (f x 0 i / g x 0 i).
rewrite SAcompE/= SAjoinE SAcompE/= SAinvE SAmulE.
by apply/rowP => i; rewrite !mxE.

Definition SAfun_le (n : nat) (f g : {SAfun F^n -> F^1}) :=
SAgraph (SAfun_sub g f) :<=: (SAsetT F n) :*: (SAset_itv `[0, +oo[%R).

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