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Tragicus committed Apr 12, 2024
1 parent 76864e7 commit 6e53e3e
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Showing 4 changed files with 949 additions and 462 deletions.
143 changes: 112 additions & 31 deletions cylinder.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,51 +1,132 @@
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype seq ssrnat bigop tuple fintype finfun path ssralg ssrnum matrix finmap.
From mathcomp Require Import freeg ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype choice seq ssrnat bigop tuple fintype finfun path ssralg ssrnum poly matrix finmap mpoly complex.
Require Import semialgebraic.
(* TODO: the following imports should not be needed after cleanup. *)
From mathcomp Require Import generic_quotient.
Require Import formula.
Require Import formula subresultant.

Local Open Scope fset_scope.
Local Open Scope fmap_scope.
Local Open Scope type_scope.
Local Open Scope sa_scope.

Section SApartition.
Variables (R : rcfType) (n : nat).
Import GRing.

Definition SAset_disjoint (s1 s2 : {SAset R^n}) :=
SAset_meet s1 s2 == SAset0 R n.
Section SAfun0.
Variables (R : rcfType) (n m : nat).

Definition SAset_trivI (I : {fset {SAset R^n}}) :=
[forall s1 : I, [forall s2 : I, (val s1 != val s2) ==> SAset_disjoint (val s1) (val s2)]].

Definition SAset_partition (I : {fset {SAset R^n}}) :=
(SAset0 R n \notin I) && SAset_trivI I && (\big[@SAset_join R n/SAset0 R n]_(s : I) val s == SAset0 R n).
End SAfun0.

End SApartition.
Section SApartition.
Variables (R : rcfType) (n : nat).

Definition SAset_cast {R : rcfType} {n m : nat} (s : {SAset R^n}) :
n = m -> {SAset R^m}.
by move=> <-.

Section CylindricalDecomposition.
Variables (R : rcfType) (n : nat).
End SApartition.

Fact lift0' {k} (i : 'I_k) : (lift ord0 i = i + 1 :> nat)%N.
Proof. by rewrite lift0 addn1. Qed.
Section CylindricalDecomposition.
Variables (R : rcfType).

Definition isCylindricalDecomposition (S : forall i : 'I_n.+1, {fset {SAset R^i}}) :=
Definition isCylindricalDecomposition n (S : forall i : 'I_n.+1, {fset {SAset R^i}}) :=
(forall i : 'I_n.+1, SAset_partition R i (S i))
/\ forall (i : 'I_n) (s : S (lift ord_max i)),
exists m, exists xi : m.-tuple {SAfun R^i -> R^1},
sorted (@SAfun_lt R i) xi
/\ forall s' : S (lift ord0 i),
(exists k : 'I_m, SAset_cast (val s') (lift0' i) == SAset_meet (SAgraph (tnth xi k)) (SAset_prod (SAset_cast (val s) (lift_max i)) (@SAset_top R 1)))
\/ (exists k : 'I_m, exists km : k.+1 < m,
forall (x : 'rV[R]_i) (y : 'rV[R]_1),
(row_mx x y \in SAset_cast (val s') (lift0' i)) = (x \in SAset_cast (val s) (lift_max i)) && (tnth xi k x ord0 ord0 < y ord0 ord0)%R && (y ord0 ord0 < tnth xi (Ordinal km) x ord0 ord0)%R)
\/ (forall (x : 'rV[R]_i) (y : 'rV[R]_1),
(row_mx x y \in SAset_cast (val s') (lift0' i)) = (x \in SAset_cast (val s) (lift_max i)) && [forall k : 'I_m, y ord0 ord0 < tnth xi k x ord0 ord0])%R
\/ (forall (x : 'rV[R]_i) (y : 'rV[R]_1),
(row_mx x y \in SAset_cast (val s') (lift0' i)) = (x \in SAset_cast (val s) (lift_max i)) && [forall k : 'I_m, tnth xi k x ord0 ord0 < y ord0 ord0])%R.
exists m, exists xi : m.-tuple {SAfun R^(lift ord_max i) -> R^1},
sorted (@SAfun_lt _ _) xi
/\ [fset s' in S (lift ord0 i) | SAset_cast _ s' == val s] = [fset SAset_cast i.+1 x | x in partition_of_graphs_above R _ (val s) m xi].

Local Notation isCD := isCylindricalDecomposition.

Lemma bool_eq_arrow {b b' : bool} : b = b' -> b -> b'.
Proof. by case: b' => // /negP. Qed.

Lemma isCylindricalDecomposition_restrict n m S (mn : m <= n) : isCD n S -> isCD m (fun i => S (widen_ord (bool_eq_arrow (esym (ltnS m n)) mn) i)).
move=> [] Spart Scyl; split => [i|i s].
exact/(Spart ((widen_ord (m:=n.+1) (bool_eq_arrow (esym (ltnS m n)) mn) i))).
move/(_ (widen_ord mn i)) : Scyl.
have ->: lift ord_max (widen_ord mn i) = widen_ord (bool_eq_arrow (esym (ltnS m n)) mn) (lift ord_max i).
by apply/val_inj; rewrite /= /bump leqNgt (leq_trans (ltn_ord i) mn) leqNgt ltn_ord.
move=> /(_ s) [k][xi][xisort] /= partE.
exists k, xi; split; first by [].
rewrite -partE.
congr [fset _ in _ | _]; congr (mem_fin (fset_finpred (S (Ordinal _)))).

Definition poly_invariant n (p : {mpoly R[n]}) (s : {SAset R^n}) :=
{in s &, forall x y, let x := meval (tnth (ngraph x)) p in let y := meval (tnth (ngraph y)) p in (x / `|x| = y / `|y|)%R}.

Definition poly_adapted n p (S : forall i : 'I_n.+1, {fset {SAset R^i}}) := forall s : S ord_max, poly_invariant n p (val s).

Definition truncate (T : ringType) (p : {poly T}) (d : nat) :=
(\poly_(i < size p) (p`_i *+ (i < d)%N))%R.

Definition truncations n (p : {poly {mpoly R[n]}}) : {fset {poly {mpoly R[n]}}} :=
(fix F p n :=
match n with
| 0 => [fset p]
| n.+1 => if 0 < mdeg (mlead (lead_coef p)) then
p |` F (truncate _ p (size p).-1) n
else [fset p]
end) p (size p).

Definition elim_subdef0 n (P : {fset {poly {mpoly R[n]}}}) :=
\big[fsetU/fset0]_(p : P) \big[fsetU/fset0]_(r : truncations n (val p))
(lead_coef (val r) |` [fset subresultant (val j) (val r) (val r)^`() | j in 'I_(size (val r)).-2]).

Definition elim_subdef1 n (P : {fset {poly {mpoly R[n]}}}) :=
\big[fsetU/fset0]_(p : P) \big[fsetU/fset0]_(r : truncations n (val p))
\big[fsetU/fset0]_(q : P) (\big[fsetU/fset0]_(s : truncations n (val q) | size (val s) < size (val r))
(([fset subresultant (val j) (val r) (val s) | j in 'I_((size (val s)).-1)] `|` [fset subresultant (val j) (val s) (val r) | j in 'I_((size (val s)).-1)]))
`|` \big[fsetU/fset0]_(s : truncations n (val q) | size (val s) == size (val r))
(let rs := ((lead_coef (val s)) *: (val r) - (lead_coef (val r)) *: (val s))%R in
[fset subresultant (val j) (val s) (val rs) | j in 'I_((size rs).-1)])).

Definition elim n (P : {fset {poly {mpoly R[n]}}}) :=
[fset x in elim_subdef0 n P `|` elim_subdef1 n P | mdeg (mlead x) != 0].

(* Lemma poly_neigh_decomposition (p q : {poly R[i]}) :
monic p -> monic q -> coprime p q ->
exists rho : R, 0 < rho /\ forall P *)

From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import fintype.

Definition SAset_path_connected

Theorem roots2_on (P Q : {poly {mpoly R[n]}}) (s : {SAset R^n}) :
SAset_path_connected s
-> {in s, forall x, size

Theorem cylindrical_decomposition n (P : {fset {mpoly R[n]}}) :
{ S | isCD n S /\ forall p : P, poly_adapted n (val p) S}.
elim: n P => [|n IHn] P.
exists (fun i => [fset SAsetT R i]); split=> [|[] p /= _]; last first.
case=> _ /= /fset1P -> x y _ _.
suff ->: x = y by [].
by apply/matrixP => i; case.
split=> [[]|[]//]; case=> /= [|//] _.
apply/andP; split; last by rewrite big_fset1/= eqxx.
apply/andP; split.
apply/negP; move=> /fset1P/eqP/SAsetP /(_ (\row_i 0)%R).
by rewrite inSAset0 inSAsetT.
do 2 (apply/forallP; case => i /= /fset1P -> {i}).
by rewrite eqxx.
move: IHn => /(_ (elim n [fset muni p | p in P])) [S0 [S0CD S0p]].
simple refine (exist _ _ _).
case=> i /=; rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt.
case /boolP: (i == n.+1) => [/eqP -> _|_ /= ilt]; last exact: (S0 (Ordinal ilt)).

Search (_ <= _.+1).
case/boolP: (val i == n.+1); last first.
case: (split (cast_ord (esym (addn1 n.+1)) i)).
exact S0.


End CylindricalDecomposition.
159 changes: 108 additions & 51 deletions formula.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,6 +230,13 @@ Proof. by rewrite size_set_nth size_tuple; apply/eqP/maxn_idPr. Qed.
Canonical set_nth_tuple (T : Type) (d : T) (n : nat) (x : n.-tuple T) (i : 'I_n) (y : T) :=
Tuple (set_nth_size d x i y).

Lemma rowPE (R : eqType) (n : nat) (u v : 'rV[R]_n) :
(u == v) = [forall i, u 0 i == v 0 i].
apply/eqP/forallP => [/rowP uv i| uv]; first by apply/eqP.
by apply/rowP => i; apply/eqP.

End SeqFset.

Section EquivFormula.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,6 +483,62 @@ HB.instance Definition formula_choiceMixin (T : choiceType) :=
HB.instance Definition formulan_choiceType (T : choiceType) n :=
[Choice of {formula_n T} by <:].

Section TermSubst.
Variable F : nmodType.

Definition subst_term s :=
let fix sterm (t : GRing.term F) := match t with
| 'X_i => if (i < size s)%N then 'X_(nth O s i) else 0
| t1 + t2 => (sterm t1) + (sterm t2)
| - t => - (sterm t)
| t *+ i => (sterm t) *+ i
| t1 * t2 => (sterm t1) * (sterm t2)
| t ^-1 => (sterm t) ^-1
| t ^+ i => (sterm t) ^+ i
| _ => t
end%T in sterm.

Fact fv_tsubst_nil (t : GRing.term F) : term_fv (subst_term [::] t) = fset0.
Proof. by elim: t => //= t1 -> t2 ->; rewrite fsetU0. Qed.

Fact fv_tsubst (k : unit) (s : seq nat) (t : GRing.term F) :
term_fv (subst_term s t) `<=` seq_fset k s.
elim: t => //.
- move=> i /=.
have [lt_is|leq_si] := ltnP i (size s); rewrite ?fsub0set //.
by rewrite fsub1set seq_fsetE; apply/(nthP _); exists i.
- by move=> t1 h1 t2 h2 /=; rewrite fsubUset; apply/andP; split.
- by move=> t1 h1 t2 h2 /=; rewrite fsubUset; apply/andP; split.

Fact fv_tsubst_map (k : unit) (s : seq nat) (t : GRing.term F) :
term_fv (subst_term s t) `<=`
seq_fset k [seq nth O s i | i <- (iota O (size s)) & (i \in term_fv t)].
elim: t => //.
- move=> i /=.
have [lt_is|leq_si] := ltnP i (size s); rewrite ?fsub0set //.
rewrite fsub1set seq_fsetE; apply: map_f.
by rewrite mem_filter in_fset1 eqxx mem_iota leq0n add0n.
- move=> t1 h1 t2 h2 /=; rewrite fsubUset; apply/andP; split.
+ rewrite (fsubset_trans h1) //.
apply/seq_fset_sub; apply: sub_map_filter => x.
by rewrite in_fsetU => ->.
+ rewrite (fsubset_trans h2) //.
apply/seq_fset_sub; apply: sub_map_filter => x.
by rewrite in_fsetU => ->; rewrite orbT.
- move=> t1 h1 t2 h2 /=; rewrite fsubUset; apply/andP; split.
+ rewrite (fsubset_trans h1) //.
apply/seq_fset_sub; apply: sub_map_filter => x.
by rewrite in_fsetU => ->.
+ rewrite (fsubset_trans h2) //.
apply/seq_fset_sub; apply: sub_map_filter => x.
by rewrite in_fsetU => ->; rewrite orbT.

End TermSubst.

Section FormulaSubst.

Variable T : Type.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,6 +697,39 @@ rewrite nseq_cat; move: e f; elim: i => // i ih e f.
by apply: (iff_trans _ (ih e f)); apply: holds_rcons_zero.

Lemma holdsAnd (I : eqType) (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (e : seq R) (f : I -> formula R) :
holds e (\big[And/True%oT]_(i <- r | P i) f i)
<-> forall i, i \in r -> P i -> holds e (f i).
elim: r => [|i r IHr]; first by rewrite big_nil.
rewrite big_cons; case/boolP: (P i) => [|/negP] Pi; last first.
apply (iff_trans IHr); split=> hr j.
by rewrite in_cons => /orP; case=> [/eqP -> //|]; apply: hr.
by move=> jr; apply: hr; rewrite in_cons jr orbT.
split=> /= [[hi /IHr hr j]|hr].
by rewrite in_cons => /orP; case=> [/eqP -> //|]; apply: hr.
split; first by apply: hr => //; rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
by apply/IHr => j jr; apply: hr; rewrite in_cons jr orbT.

Lemma holdsOr (I : eqType) (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (e : seq R) (f : I -> formula R) :
holds e (\big[Or/False%oT]_(i <- r | P i) f i)
<-> exists i, i \in r /\ P i /\ holds e (f i).
elim: r => [|i r IHr].
by rewrite big_nil; split=> // [[?]][].
rewrite big_cons; case/boolP: (P i) => [|/negP] Pi; last first.
apply (iff_trans IHr); split=> -[j][+][hj].
by move=> jr; exists j; rewrite in_cons jr orbT; split=> //; split.
rewrite in_cons => /orP; case=> [/eqP ji|jr]; first by move: Pi; rewrite -ji.
by exists j; split=> //; split.
split=> /= [[hi|/IHr [j][jr hj]]|[j][+][Pj]hj].
- by exists i; rewrite in_cons eqxx; split=> //; split.
- by exists j; rewrite in_cons jr orbT; split.
rewrite in_cons => /orP[/eqP <-|jr]; first by left.
by right; apply/IHr; exists j; split=> //; split.

Lemma holds_Nfv_ex (e : seq R) (i : nat) (f : formula R) :
i \notin formula_fv f -> (holds e ('exists 'X_i, f) <-> holds e f).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1137,57 +1233,6 @@ End Closure.
Section QuantifierElimination.
Variable (F : rcfType).

Definition subst_term s :=
let fix sterm (t : GRing.term F) := match t with
| 'X_i => if (i < size s)%N then 'X_(nth O s i) else 0
| t1 + t2 => (sterm t1) + (sterm t2)
| - t => - (sterm t)
| t *+ i => (sterm t) *+ i
| t1 * t2 => (sterm t1) * (sterm t2)
| t ^-1 => (sterm t) ^-1
| t ^+ i => (sterm t) ^+ i
| _ => t
end%T in sterm.

Fact fv_tsubst_nil (t : GRing.term F) : term_fv (subst_term [::] t) = fset0.
Proof. by elim: t => //= t1 -> t2 ->; rewrite fsetU0. Qed.

Fact fv_tsubst (k : unit) (s : seq nat) (t : GRing.term F) :
term_fv (subst_term s t) `<=` seq_fset k s.
elim: t => //.
- move=> i /=.
have [lt_is|leq_si] := ltnP i (size s); rewrite ?fsub0set //.
by rewrite fsub1set seq_fsetE; apply/(nthP _); exists i.
- by move=> t1 h1 t2 h2 /=; rewrite fsubUset; apply/andP; split.
- by move=> t1 h1 t2 h2 /=; rewrite fsubUset; apply/andP; split.

Fact fv_tsubst_map (k : unit) (s : seq nat) (t : GRing.term F) :
term_fv (subst_term s t) `<=`
seq_fset k [seq nth O s i | i <- (iota O (size s)) & (i \in term_fv t)].
elim: t => //.
- move=> i /=.
have [lt_is|leq_si] := ltnP i (size s); rewrite ?fsub0set //.
rewrite fsub1set seq_fsetE; apply: map_f.
by rewrite mem_filter in_fset1 eqxx mem_iota leq0n add0n.
- move=> t1 h1 t2 h2 /=; rewrite fsubUset; apply/andP; split.
+ rewrite (fsubset_trans h1) //.
apply/seq_fset_sub; apply: sub_map_filter => x.
by rewrite in_fsetU => ->.
+ rewrite (fsubset_trans h2) //.
apply/seq_fset_sub; apply: sub_map_filter => x.
by rewrite in_fsetU => ->; rewrite orbT.
- move=> t1 h1 t2 h2 /=; rewrite fsubUset; apply/andP; split.
+ rewrite (fsubset_trans h1) //.
apply/seq_fset_sub; apply: sub_map_filter => x.
by rewrite in_fsetU => ->.
+ rewrite (fsubset_trans h2) //.
apply/seq_fset_sub; apply: sub_map_filter => x.
by rewrite in_fsetU => ->; rewrite orbT.

(* quantifier elim + evaluation of invariant variables to 0 *)
Definition qf_elim (f : formula F) : formula F :=
let g := (quantifier_elim (@wproj _) (to_rform f)) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1388,6 +1433,18 @@ Proof.
by apply/eqP; rewrite -fsubset0 -(seq_fset_nil _ tt) fv_subst_formula.

Definition cut(n : nat) (f : formula F) :=
subst_formula (iota 0 n) f.

Fact nvar_cut n f : nvar n (cut n f).
apply/(fsubset_trans (fv_subst_formula_map mnfset_key _ _))/seq_fset_sub => x.
move=> /mapP[i]; rewrite mem_filter !mem_iota /= !add0n.
by rewrite size_iota => /andP[_] ilt ->; rewrite nth_iota.

Canonical Structure cut_formulan n f := MkFormulan (nvar_cut n f).

End QuantifierElimination.

Section SubstEnv.
Expand Down

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