Focusing on Single Responsibility Principle, web pack, plugins, general review.
Want to take my time to keep my code modular, and logical with keeping DOM seperated from app logic - following S.R.P
The design I want to go for a modern minimalistic look that most websites seem to adhere to nowadays. Something of the looks of this:
To-do object properties: title, details(optional), duedate(optional), important toggle, checklist toggle
Want to add an extra feature for habit tracker, where for everyday you can add if you did the habit. (E.g - exercise, studying, reading).
PSEUDO: INDEX.js display upon DOMload initializeSidebarButton();
////////////// Helpers.js
projects[]; allTasks[];
makeProject factory(title,notes, complete, date, delete add methods) this.tasksArray[];
function addProject
function deleteProject
makeTask factory function(task,complete,important,+ delete and add methods)
function addTask
*push to project's tasksArray[], also allTasks[]
function deleteTask
*delete from project's tasksArray[], also allTasks[]
function editTask
*update task
function displayImportant() importantTasks[]; *filter allTasks to put into importantTasks
toggles sidebar
clearBody(); (Make's things more modular) function to clear DOM in body sense I will be doing it alot
newProject(); 'click' event listener addProject(); import makeProject(); user inputs new project title in sidebar adds Project title and date to side bar, with edit delete
deleteProject(); 'click' event listener deleteProject(); import deleteProject(); delete option clicked in sidebar remove from array and remove from sidebar remove projects tasks from allTasks[]
projectDetails(); 'click' event listener for every project in sidebar displays project details(tasks, notes, date) in body
updateProject(); user input notes, add tasks, adddate in body newTask(); 'click' event listener to add task in body displays task details in body for project optional important toggle add to allTasks()
sidebarAllTasks(); 'click' event to display all tasks in body
sidebarImportant(); 'click' event to display all important tasks from any project in body
sidebarCalendar(); 'click' event to display calendar with projects and what is completed
Functionality: Will display in body upon what option is clicked on sidebar. I want to aim to use a calendar library. All projects and tasks should be deleted and added in their respective arrays. Need for projects and tasks to be saved on clients computer upon reload. Have a edit option for every task and project.
displayTasks return taskInformation (get task info row)
displayAllTasks(taskArray) const taskInfo = displayTasks
displayAllTasks(); //function call
eventListeners 'click' //event listeners displayAllTasks(allTasks)