This project consits in implementing and proving the correctness of a compiler for a simple arithmetic expression langugae.
The language is defined as follow:
B := true | false
E := n |
add E1 E2 |
min E1 E2 |
mul E1 E2 |
if B then E1 else E2
These are the files inside this project:
Syntax.agda contains the abstract syntax tree of the language
Evaluation.agda contains the function for evaluate terms of the lanugage
Compiler.agda contains the implementation of the compiler and the function for execute the compiled code.
Correctness.agda conatins the proof that the compiler respect the semantics, i.e evaluating a term E gives the same resutl as compile E and execute the code
There is a file calles Tests.agda in which there are implemented some basic test for the functions.