MongoDB driver for the Pike programming language (
Example asynchronous usage:
void query_cb (MongoDB.Request req, array docs)
foreach (docs, mapping(string:mixed) doc) {
// ... do something with doc
if (req->has_more())
req->get_more(); // query_cb will be called again.
void connected (MongoDB.Connection conn)
MongoDB.Collection coll = conn->get_db("mydb")->collection("mycoll");
coll->query (({ ([ "time":
([ "$gt": Calendar.ISO.dwim_time ("2015-05-25 00:00:00")
MongoDB.Connection conn;
conn = MongoDB.Connection (connected);
Synchronous usage:
void connected (MongoDB.Connection conn)
MongoDB.Collection coll = conn->get_db("mydb")->collection("mycoll");
MongoDB.SyncQueryRequest query =
coll->sync_query (({
([ "time":
([ "$gt": Calendar.ISO.dwim_time ("2015-05-25 00:00:00") ])
]) }));
// The iterator will fetch more data when needed.
MongoDB.Result res = query->get_result();
foreach (res; int index; mapping(string:mixed) doc) {
// ... do something with doc
MongoDB.Connection conn;
conn = MongoDB.Connection (connected);