This is a repository of all data I collected for the software-based measurements for my bachelor's thesis as well as analysis files used for interpretation and discussion. For these measurements, the PowerJoular tool is used.
All measurement files are found in the corresponding folders:
powerjoular_[model].csv - Power utilization log
processes_[model].log - Log of memory utilization
[model].csv - runtime logs
[model].py - execution of the model / prediction script
totals_[model].py - merge of the collected files and data, cleaning of data of the respective models
desc_[model].py - descriptive variables of all models - Relative comparison to baseline data - service class to store all methods used in separate analysis files
mwu.ipynb - Significance tests and effect size test (Mann-Whitney-U and Cliff's delta)
shapiro_wilk.ipynb - Shapiro-Wilk-Test for normality