Emrooz is a scalable database for sensor data, specifically SSN observations. It supports the persistence and SPARQL retrieval of SSN observations. Emrooz builds on Apache Cassandra and Sesame.
- Java (Java 7u25 or later)
- Apache Cassandra (2.1.3)
- Emrooz
- Uncompress Cassandra on your system and execute '
bin/cassandra -f
' to start Cassandra. Make sure the system user has the necessary privileges. Wait for a few seconds until Cassandra tells you it isListening for thrift clients...
. For further information, you may want to read getting started with Cassandra, in particular Step 3. - Run
to see if you can get access to the Cassandra shell - Uncompress Emrooz on your system
Emrooz can be used from the command line (experimental) and programmatically. To start, and test if things work, you can try loading and querying the test data. Navigate to the Emrooz bin/
folder and then run load.sh
and query.sh
as follows:
$ ./load.sh -f ../resources/example-1.data \
-ns http://example.org \
-sid http://example.org#thermometer \
-pid http://example.org#temperature \
-fid http://example.org#air \
-sf 0.000016 \
-uid http://qudt.org/vocab/unit#DegreeCelsius \
-ks /tmp/ks \
-ds localhost
$ ./query.sh -q ../resources/example-1.rq \
-ks /tmp/ks \
-ds localhost
We first load the resources/example-1.data
using the URIs for the sensor (-sid
), the property (-pid
), the feature (-fid
), and the unit (-uid
). These URIs correspond to those in the data, which is a CSV text file. We also specify the sampling frequency [Hz] of the sensor (-sf
). Finally, we specify the directory to which the knowledge store is persisted (-ks
) and the host on which the (Cassandra) data store runs.
Then we query the example data with the example query example-1.rq
by specifying the knowledge and the data stores.
You should get a list of results.
The following sections describe how to add and query observations programmatically in Emrooz.
A complete example can be found in the sources.
You can create an Emrooz instance with a file-based persistent knowledge store and a data store on localhost
as follows.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Initialize ...
Emrooz emrooz = new Emrooz(new SesameKnowledgeStore(new SailRepository(
new MemoryStore(new File("/tmp/ks")))),
new CassandraDataStore());
// ... and remember to close
The knowledge store implementation is for Sesame. It is thus an RDF store. Sesame supports various types of stores, including volatile in-memory stores and persistent disk-based stores. For more information, check the Sesame documentation.
As a first step, we need to specify and register the sensors we are using. Sensor specifications include identifiers for a sensor, one or more properties, one or more features, and a sampling frequency [Hz].
Sensor specifications are managed by the knowledge store.
There are a couple of ways how to create a sensor specification. The easiest is using the EntityFactory
as follows
EntityFactory f = EntityFactory.getInstance("http://example.org#");
emrooz.add(f.createSensor("aThermometer", "temperature", "air", 1.0));
You can find sensor specification examples in the sources.
Emrooz supports adding sensor observations in several forms. The following example uses the EntityFactory
EntityFactory f = EntityFactory.getInstance("http://example.org#");
// Create and add a sensor observation made by the thermometer
// for temperature of air on April 21, 2015 at 1 am
emrooz.add(f.createSensorObservation("thermometer", "temperature", "air",
7.6, "2015-04-21T01:00:00.000+03:00"));
The sources contain further examples.
SSN observations can be retrieved using SPARQL. However, queries need to follow the structure of SSN observations and must specify a time interval. For performance reasons, it is good to also specify the sensor, property, and feature. However, if these are left undefined, then Emrooz will use the knowledge store to resolve undefined sensor, property, or feature.
The following lines demonstrate how the observations we just persisted can be retrieved.
First, the SPARQL query.
prefix ssn: <http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ssnx/ssn#>
prefix time: <http://www.w3.org/2006/time#>
prefix dul: <http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/DUL.owl#>
select ?time ?value
where {
ssn:observedBy <http://example.org#thermometer> ;
ssn:observedProperty <http://example.org#temperature> ;
ssn:featureOfInterest <http://example.org#air> ;
ssn:observationResultTime [ time:inXSDDateTime ?time ] ;
ssn:observationResult [ ssn:hasValue [ dul:hasRegionDataValue ?value ] ]
filter (?time >= "2015-04-21T00:00:00.000+03:00"^^xsd:dateTime
&& ?time < "2015-04-21T02:00:00.000+03:00"^^xsd:dateTime)
order by asc(?time)
The Java code to execute the SPARQL query. Read the SPARQL query from file or, as suggested in this example, set it as value of the String query
String sparql = "...";
// Execute the query
ResultSet<BindingSet> results = emrooz.evaluate(sparql);
// Process the results by printing time and value to `System.out`
while (results.hasNext()) {
You can find a complete example in the sources.
If you want to start over with a fresh database, you need to execute Cassandra bin/cqlsh
and the command drop keyspace emrooz;