It is often difficult to co-ordinate and arrange meetings, especially for a large group where people have different timetables.
Even though we have tools like When2Meet that facilitates this process, it is still not a streamlined experience.
And as a wise man once said:
"Idk bro, When2Meet is kinda shit" - Aristotle (probably)
Which is how this project was born, where we seek to make a webapp that streamlines and provide a better experience when it comes to arranging meetings.
When it comes to arranging meetings, it is often a headache to decide on the when and where. Which is what this product is aiming to solve.
Figma design link: CLick to go to design prototye
Wave => Meeting
Tide => Meeting invite
// Setup
cd ./frontend
npm install
// Running frontend
npm run dev
// Setup
cd ./backend
npm install
npx prisma generate
// Running backend
npm run dev
We are using MongoDB
which is notoriously annoying to run locally, we recommend using MongoDB Atlas
- Navigate to MongoDB Atlas
- Do your signup things and what not
- Once you're in the Atlas dashboard, click on
Data Services
- You should see a popup, then click
Connect using VSCode
- Execute the following command
cd ./backend
touch .env
- Add this line. (You should be able to find the link in the popup in step 4.)
* Login should require:
- Email
- Passowrd
* Registration should require:
- Name
- User handle
- Email
- Password
* During registration, upon unfocus, application should check:
- If the email is taken
- If the user handle is taken
* Only allow users to register when the pass the above checks
* A search bar should be implemented for searching future Waves and pending Tides
* A button to send Tide
* Notifications
* Drop down menu should contain:
- Profile Image
- Name
- Email
- Custom status
- Settings button
- Theme button
- Logout button
* Profile should display the following items
- Profile Image
- Name
- User handle
- Custom status
- Availability (Calander)
* A button should be provided for users to edit their profile
* Users should be able to choose the date range displayed on the calander (Refer to design)
* Hovering on a timeslot on the calander should display details of the user's availability. (Refer to design)
* Required inputs:
- Meeting title
- Meeting description
- Meeting date & time
- Users
- And optionally location
* User should be able to add multiple people for the Wave
* The calander input for chooseing date & time should
contain information on the group's availability
* It is not neseccary to choose a time where everyone's free
I thought Victor's design is quite suited for our dashbard, told him to polish it up a bit.
A dashbard isn't needed for now, though it certainly wouldn't hurt having one.
- Language :
- Front-end :
React, TailwindCSS, React Router DOM, React Query
- Back-end :
Express, Prisma, JWT, tRPC
- Database :
: Indent -> 2 spacesVanilla CSS
: Indent -> 4 spacesChocolate CSS
: Does not exist
Note that we will not be using the normal REST API
approach, but instead, we will be using a library called tRPC
The reason why we chose to do it is because of the fact that
- It is extremely hard to consider everything and prototype an API structure within a short amount of time
- Less code, type safety, the line between backend and frontend is blured (which is a good thing if we want to push code fast)
// Note that Service and Router is a terminology in the context of our repo
// i.e. Only Procedure is a terminology used by the official tRPC docs
* Procedure == API Endpoints
* Service == Collection of procedures
- e.g. Lets say we have:
* /auth/register
* /auth/login
* /auth is a service
* Router == The root "/"
Using tRPC
// ./backend/src/service/hello.ts
import { trpc } from "../trpc_provider"
const helloRouter = trpc.router({
helloWorld: trpc.procedure.query(() => {
return "Hello World"
export default helloRouter
const SomeComponent:React.FC = () => {
const hello = trpc.hello.helloWorld.useQuery();
return (
{hello.isLoading ? "Loading" :}
vs mutation()
query(): GET
mutation(): anything that is not GET
// they call it mutation bc the data in the db mutates