A library for XBee-based sensor/control networks, with an emphasis on ease of setup, extensability, and ability to integrate with existing systems.
Connect to the attached XBee, start plugins, and run a Python interpreter from which commands may be interactively sent to the local or remote XBees:
$ xh.py run
The xbee object is available as "xb". A received frame list is
available from the Frame Logger plugin, available as "fl".
Type control-D to exit.
>>> xh.protocol.InputVolts().send()
[INFO FrameLogger] received #1 %V (OK) volts=3.2390625
>>> xh.protocol.InputSample(dest=0x13a200abcd1234).send()
[INFO FrameLogger] received #2 IS (OK) remoteSerial=0x13a200abcd1234
options=ACKNOWLEDGED samples=[AnalogSample(AD0, volts=0.002),
AnalogSample(AD1, volts=0.166)] remoteAddr=0x372
>>> ^D
[INFO xh] exiting
Print information about a connected XBees and installed plugins:
$ xh.py list
[INFO xh] Plugins:
Data Logger (datalogger/) Log all received data via
Frame Logger (framelogger/) Log all received frames using the
Python logging module.
Presence (presence/) Track presence / availability of XBee
Web Graphs (webgraphs/) Basic web server to create and display
graphs of logged data.
[INFO xh] XBees:
NodeId status=0x0 NI='Attic' manufacturerId=0x101e
addr=0x49b9 parentAddr=0xfffe deviceType=ROUTER profileId=0xc105
NodeId status=0x0 NI='Living Room' manufacturerId=0x101e
addr=0x372 parentAddr=0xfffe deviceType=ROUTER profileId=0xc105
A plugin which forwards a digital pin value from one XBee to another:
from xh.protocol import ConfigureIoPin, Data, DigitalSample
class PinForwarder(xh.Plugin):
__SRC = 0x13a200ccdd0011
__DST = 0x13a200abcd1234
def __init__(self):
xh.Plugin.__init__(self, receiveFrames=True)
def _frameReceived(self, frame):
if isinstance(frame, Data) and (frame.
getSourceAddressLong() == self.__SRC):
def __forwardValues(self, frame):
for sample in frame.getSamples():
if not isinstance(sample, DigitalSample):
outFunction = (DIGITAL_OUT_HIGH
if sample.getIsSet()
cmd = ConfigureIoPin(dest=self.__DEST,
- Allows sending commands to XBees at an interactive Python prompt and using online Python help to discover commands' arguments; generates specific exceptions for malformed commands, avoiding silent failures.
- Uses signals to communicate asynchronous events, for decoupled design.
- Written for Series 2 (ZigBee Mesh) XBee. (The underlying python-xbee library supports multiple XBee varieties.)
- Python >= 2.7 (uses argparse, introduced in 2.7)
- Enum for enumerations (uses setuptools for installation via setup.py)
These dependencies are included as git submodules. After cloning (or when pulling to your clone of) this repository, use git submodule update --init
to sync all the submodules.
- pySerial for communication over serial USB with the XBee device, using submodule forked on github
- pysignals for decoupled communication (to and among plugins), using submodule forked on github
- python-xbee for low-level API-mode communication with the XBee device, using submodule forked on github
- Yapsy for plugin loading, using submodule forked on github
- Indigo home automation server for Mac/iOS with Python plugins
- INSTEON home automation devices
- Digi
- XBee project gallery
- XBee examples and guides
- Digi sensor modules
- iDigi Dia, a Python-based control / data-collection framework to run on Digi gateways (example code)
- Home Automation project by Arvis Cimermanis using XBee
- KillerBee framework for expliting/attacking ZigBee networks