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Converts markdown to a single-file version that has no local asset dependency and can be imported into or other social platform with just one click.

md2zhihu on Marketplace

md imported


1. Use it remotely with github-action:

This is the recommended way since you do not need install anything locally, just a git is quite enough. See: md2zhihu on Marketplace

Add action config into the git repo you have markdowns to convert: .github/workflows/md2zhihu.yml:

name: md2zhihu
on: [push]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: drmingdrmer/[email protected]
        GITHUB_USERNAME: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        pattern: >

The conversion will be triggered on next push:

It will convert markdowns in dir _posts/ and save them in dir _md2zhihu.

A new branch master-md2zhihu containing these output will be created:

Branch master:

▾ _posts/

Branch master-md3zhihu:

▾ _posts/
▾ _md2zhihu/

E.g., one of the converted single-file example has all its assets stored remotely on github, thus it can be safely used everywhere, without worrying about dealing with its dependency assets.

There are two ways to get the converted markdowns:

  • git fetch and git merge the branch master-md2zhihu.
  • Or access this branch directly on the web: single-file example

Action Options for md2zhihu

  • pattern:

    file pattern to convert

    required: True default: **/*.md

  • output_dir:

    dir to store converted markdown

    required: True default: _md2zhihu

  • asset_branch:

    The branch name in which assets are stored.

    required: True default: _md2zhihu/asset

  • target_platform:

    The platform that the converted markdown should be compatible toṫCurrently supported platforms are zhihu, wechat, weibo, simple. simple converts almost everything to images and removes most text styles. E.g. inline code block is converted to normal text.

    required: True default: zhihu

2. Use it on your laptop

System requirements


# For rendering table to html
brew install pandoc imagemagick node
npm install -g @mermaid-js/mermaid-cli
pip install md2zhihu

Basic usage:

In a git working dir that contains markdowns to convert:

md2zhihu -r .

This command converts to _md2/ And the assets it references are uploaded to the git repo found in current dir.

Use another git to store assets:

md2zhihu -r [email protected]:drmingdrmer/md2test.git@test

And you need write access on the git repo otherwise the assests can not be uploaded.

Other options: md2zhihu --help

Trouble shoot

command not found: md2zhihu

  • pip install --verbose md2zhihu Confirm that install done successfully.
  • which md2zhihu Confirm that the binary can be found: e.g.: /Users/drdrxp/xp/py3virtual/p38/bin/md2zhihu.
  • echo $PATH Confirmat that the install path is included in PATH: ...:/Users/drdrxp/xp/py3virtual/p38/bin:...


  • Transform latex to image:

    E.g. $$ ||X{\vec {\beta }}-Y||^{2} $$ is converted to

  • Transform table to HTML.

  • Upload images to specified git repo.

  • Transform mermaid code block to image:

    graph LR
        A[Hard edge] -->|Link text| B(Round edge)
        B --> C{Decision}
        C -->|One| D[Result one]
        C -->|Two| E[Result two]

    is converted to:

  • Transform graphviz code block to image:

    digraph R {
        node [shape=plaintext]
        X0X0 [ label="0-0"]
        X0X0 -> X1X0 [ color="#aaaadd"]
        X0X0 -> X2X3 [ color="#aaaadd"]

    is converted to:

  • Generate link list::

    original converted imported


  • does not support markdown syntax inside a table cell. These in-table-cell content are transformed into plain text.

  • md2zhihu can not deal with jekyll/github page tags. E.g. {% octicon mark-github height:24 %}.