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GitHub Action

Install SonarQube scanner

v1-beta1 Pre-release

Install SonarQube scanner


Install SonarQube scanner

A GitHub Action to install sonarscanner with java, in a platform agnostic way


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Install SonarQube scanner

uses: nosinovacao/sonarscanner@v1-beta1

Learn more about this action in nosinovacao/sonarscanner

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Install SonarQube Scanner



This GitHub Action installs the SonarQube scanner along with Java in a platform-agnostic way. It's designed to help seamlessly integrate SonarQube's static code analysis tools into your CI/CD pipeline.


Well, the default sonarqube action (sonarsource/sonarqube-scan-action) uses a Dockerfile image. That is not bad in itself, but:

  • It's not completely platform agnostic, as it requires a container runtime in the github runner. We are avoiding that in our windows runners.
  • It builds every time you run the action, which we consider particularly wasteful. Also, you'll more often than not will hit the Docker Hub rate limit and your builds will fail.

Is it perfect? Not really. Now you will have to issue the sonar-scanner command yourself, which is a bit of a hassle.


  • NOS Inovação


Name Description Required Default
version The version of the SonarQube scanner to be used No
installJava Whether to install Java No true
javaDistribution The distribution of Java to be used No temurin
javaVersion The version of Java to be used No 21


To use this action in your workflow, add the following step to your GitHub Actions configuration file (.yml):

name: CI
on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Install SonarQube scanner
      uses: nosinovacao/sonarscanner-action@main
        version: '' # Specify the version if needed
        installJava: 'true'  # Whether to install Java
        javaDistribution: 'oracle' # Specify the Java distribution
        javaVersion: '22'    # Specify the Java version

Then you can use the SonarQube scanner in your workflow by running sonar-scanner in your project's root directory.

    - name: Run SonarQube Scanner begin
      run: sonar-scanner begin${{ secrets.SONARQUBE_URL }} -Dsonar.token=${{ secrets.SONARQUBE_TOKEN }} # etc…
    - name: build
      run: #run your build and tests and whatnot
    - name: Run SonarQube Scanner end and upload results
      run: sonar-scanner end


  • Set up JDK: If the installJava input is set to true, this step will install the specified Java distribution and version using the actions/setup-java action.

  • Set up SonarQube scanner: This step downloads and unzips the SonarQube scanner to /tmp and adds its path to the system by appending it to $GITHUB_PATH.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.