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GitHub Action

Godot Android Export


Godot Android Export


Godot Android Export

Godot Engine 3.x and 4.x Android export


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Godot Android Export

uses: dulvui/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in dulvui/godot-android-export

Choose a version


Github Action to export a Godot Engine 3 and 4 game for Android to apk/aab.
If you are facing problems with the action or this README feels not complete, pull requests are welcome or open an issue.

Table of contents

Godot 4.x

Godot 4.x is the current active stable version and will be actively maintained. You can find the code in the main branch.


  • Godot Project
  • A valid exports_preset.cfg with an Android config
  • [Optional] A valid export_credentials.cfg


key required default description
working-directory false . Path to project.godot file
godot-version false 4.x Check versions here
keystore-path false "" Path to an valid release keystore
keystore-user false "" The user/alias of the keystore
keystore-password false "" The password of the keystore

How to use

Use the 4.x tag

- name: Godot Android export
  uses: dulvui/[email protected]
    working-directory: $WORKING_DIRECTORY
    godot-version: ${{ env.GODOT_VERSION }}
    keystore-path: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/release.keystore
    keystore-user: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS }}
    keystore-password: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD }}

Working examples

You an find a working examples here:

Godot 3.x

Godot 3.x is the current LTS version and will be less actively maintained. You can find the code in the godot-3 branch.


  • Godot Project
  • A valid exports_preset.cfg with an Android config


key required default description
working-directory false . Path to project.godot file
godot-version false 3.x Check versions here

How to use

Use the 3.x tag

- name: Godot Android export
  uses: dulvui/[email protected]
    working-directory: $WORKING_DIRECTORY

Working examples

You an find a working examples here:

Version 2 breaking changes

The repository and action has been renamed from godot-android-upload to simply godot-android-export to simplify the action and to remove third party actions dependencies. Now this actions follows the Unix philosophy of simply doing one thing well. You can then upload the aab/apk export of your game where ever you want.


This software is licensed under the MIT license.